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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]He is' only a boy of three, but he can learn the poem ______heart.
A. by
B. at
C. in
D. to

更多"He is' only a boy of three, but he "的相关试题:

[单项选择]He is' only a boy of three, but he can learn the poem ______heart.
A. by
B. at
C. in
D. to
[单项选择]The boy said he wouldn’t eat .
A. any longer
B. no longer
C. any more
D. no more
[单项选择]David is the shortest boy although he is older than any ______ boy in the class.

A. another
B. other
C. others
[单项选择]He's an intelligent boy. He______made such a foolish mistake.

[单项选择]He was only an office boy before( )the position.
A. being appointed
B. appointed
C. appointing
D. having appointed
[单项选择]When Spielberg was a boy, he used to be scared of ________。
A. making children laugh
B. almost everything
C. a lot of money
D. his childhood memories
E. telling scary stories
F. a number of reasons
[单项选择]Don't be too hard on the kid.( ), he is only a boy of twelve.
A. Above all
B. Of all
C. All of all
D. After all
[单项选择]Tony was ______ honest boy. He found a wallet at ______ school gate and gave it to its owner.

A. a; the
B. an; the
C. an; /
[单项选择]The little boy can't discriminate the right thing from the wrong one.
A. judge
B. assess
C. distinguish
D. recognize
[单项选择]The priest asked the only listener if he would be willing to have a shortened service. This suggests ________.

[单项选择]He is the only person who can ______ in this case because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.
A. testify
B. charge
C. accuse
D. rectify
[填空题]which recount the adventures of a boy wizard as he triumphs the______.

[单选题] ()_ my great surprise, such a little boy can draw so many beautiful pictures.
A. In
B. With
C. To
D. For
[单项选择]He lost all his money. The only thing he could do was to call his wife for help at this moment.

A. being called
B. to be called
C. calling
D. call
[填空题]This is the only day that he (enjoy) ______ in his life really.
[单项选择]--Can he get the first prize for running
--Impossible now. He ______ to do so, but he has just hurt his leg.

A. was expected
B. would expect
C. has expected
D. is expected
[单项选择]She values the boy as if he were her own son.
A. weighs
B. treats
C. considers
D. cherishes


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