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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]My money______. Could you please lend me some
A. has run out of
B. has run out
C. was run out of
D. has been run out

更多"My money______. Could you please le"的相关试题:

[单项选择]My money______. Could you please lend me some
A. has run out of
B. has run out
C. was run out of
D. has been run out
[单项选择]Could you please tell me where()find Professor Smith His wife has just called his office.
A. I can
B. can I
C. would I
D. I would
[单项选择]A: Could you get me extension 6459, please B: ______
A. Hello This is Tom Brown.
B. Sure. Here you are.
C. Sorry. The line is engaged.
D. John Smith"s office. What can I do for you
[单项选择]Could you lend me the bestseller when you get______ it

A. by
B. over
C. through
D. on
[单选题] Could you please ( ) me through San Francisco though I can’t set off tomorrow?
A. route
B. reroute
D. send
[单项选择]I have no paper with me now. Could you lend me ______

A. two pieces of papers
B. two paper
C. two pieces of paper
[单项选择]Could you please ______ me the way to the airport

A. telling
B. to tell
C. tell
[单项选择]--Can you lend me a pen
--Sorry, ( ).
A. I haven't
B. I haven't got one
C. I haven't got it
D. I haven't got that

M: Can you lend me five dollars
W: I had ten dollars but I just spent seven.

How much money does the woman have now ()
A. $ 10.
B. $ 7.
C. $ 5.
D. $ 3.
[单选题]题目 3
--Could you please provide us ( ) some information about the accident? --Of course. Anyway it is a sad story.
A. with
B. of
C. from
D. to
[单项选择]Lend me( )reference (参考) books you have on the snb jeet.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. whose
[单项选择]Client: Could you please break the dollar into quarters I need the coins for the telephone stand. Bank Clerk: ______
A. Here, you have them.
B. Here, take them.
C. Sure, in what denomination
D. Sure, here you are.

M: Could you please explain the assignment for Monday, Miss Smith
W: Certainly. Read the next chapter in your textbook and come to class prepared to discuss what you’ve read.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Secretary-Boss.
B. Client-Lawyer.
C. Patient-Nurse.
D. Student-Teacher.
[单项选择]W: Could you please make up this prescription(药方) for me
[单项选择]I have done much of the work. Could you please finish ______ in two days

A. the rest
B. the other
C. another
D. the others
[单项选择]Would you please bring me some catalogues These are too old.
A. modem
B. fashionable
C. up-to-date
D. out-of-date

W: Can you tell me some traffic rules
M: Yes, the red light means "stop" while the green light means "go."

What are the two speakers talking about ()
A. They are talking about light rules.
B. They are talking about traffic rules.
C. They are talking about traffic lights.
D. They are talking about school rules.


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