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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]—Are you feeling______
—Yes, I'm fine now.
A. any well
B. any better
C. quite good
D. quite better

更多"—Are you feeling______ —Yes, I'm f"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—Are you feeling______
—Yes, I'm fine now.
A. any well
B. any better
C. quite good
D. quite better

W: May I help you.sir
M: Yes.I’m looking for a nice gift for my mother.It’s her birthday tomorrow.
W: Do you have anything special in mind
M: No.not really.
W: Perhaps she would like a necklace.We have many choices here.
M: No, thanks. My mom doesn’t like jewels.
W: Well.then.Maybe a watch would be nice.
M: Yes,that’s it.She does need a new watch with big, clear numbers.She has complained a lot about the small numbers on her watch.
W: This gold one is pretty, and I’m sure it will be easy for her to read the time.
M: Don’t you think it’s a bit too fancy for old ladies
W: No, it actually sells very well and the old ladies like it very much.
M: Maybe you are right.I’ll take it.
W: I’m sure your mother will love it.
M: I hope so.

What was the man doing ()
A. Looking for a watch for his mother.
B. Looking for a necklace for his mother.
C. Looking for a birthday gift for his mother.

W: Can I help you
M: Yes, I’ m looking for a book on the presidential election system in U. S.
W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store.

What is the man looking for( ).
A. a novel about a president.
B. a political science book.
C. a listing of election results.
D. a text for one of his subjects.

W: What can I do for you.Sir
M: Yes.I bought this radio three days ago.but it doesn’t work now.I’d like to exchange it for another one.
W: Oh, dear.I’m very sorry for this.Have you got the receipt
M: Yes.hereitis.
W: Ok.Just a moment.please.

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. In a store.
B. In a factory.
C. In a museum.

W: Can I help you, Sir
M: Yes, Can you show me the way to Gate 9 for Flight 911 to Hong Kong I’m quite confused here.

Which Flight will the man take ()
A. Flight 811.
B. Flight 611.
C. Flight 711.
D. Flight 911.

M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Yes. I bought this blouse here last week. But there seems to be something wrong with it.

Where does the conversation take place( ).
A. A clothes shop.
B. A book store.
C. A shoe shop.

W: Room service.Can I help you
M: Yes.I’d like a dinner for two.And would you please send it to the room
W: Sure.Your room number, please
M: Room 5003.
W: Ok.We’ll get it ready in ten minutes.
M: Thanks.By the way, was my room cleaned this morning
W: Yes.We clean all the rooms in the morning. Is there anything wrong
M: No.not really.Just that my wife can’t find her watch anywhere.
W: Just a minute.I’ll go up and check it。

Where does the conversation take place ()
A. In a hotel.
B. In a restaurant.
C. In a store.

M: Can I help you
W: Yes, I want to fly to Chicago on Wednesday and return on Friday. How much is the ticket
M: Tickets are cheaper if you stay over Saturday night.
W: Thanks, but unfortunately I’ve already arranged some business here that Friday. So I’ll just have to pay the extra cost.
M: What time of day would you prefer Morning or afternoon
W: Morning. Is there a meal
M: Yes, they’ll be serving breakfast, and you’ll also see a film.
W: Sounds good. But what’ s the total cost
M: Eight hundred and fifty dollars round trip.
W: That’ s more than I expected!

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. At a restaurant.
B. At an airport.
C. At a cinema.
D. At a railway station.

W:Excuse me.Can you help me
W:I have a ticket to Seattle.Where can I check in
M:Sorry, I can’t help you here.You have to go to the ticket counter You’ll see a sign there that says, "Check-in", then look for the airline you want.

What does the woman want to do now()
A. To buy a ticket
B. To check in
C. To receive a guest
D. To return a ticket


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