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发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]His health______, my father retired from the business last year.
A. fails
B. was failed
C. failing
D. failed

更多"His health______, my father retired"的相关试题:

[单项选择]His health______, my father retired from the business last year.
A. fails
B. was failed
C. failing
D. failed
[填空题]It was from his father that my friend got the news that his baby boy suddenly fell ill and was in serious condition.

[单项选择]After recovering from his illness, he was very anxious to ( ) his work.
A. get back to
B. get through
C. get down
D. get al0ng with
[单项选择]A young father wanted to get advice from his older neighbour about how to ______ children.

A. teach
B. love
C. train
D. help
[单项选择](), he never takes anything from his neighbors.
A. As he is poor
B. Poor as he is
C. As poor he is
D. As is he poor
[单项选择]You ______ Mark anything. It was none of his business.
[单项选择]Judging from his manners at the party, he doesn't seem ______ much education.

A. to receive
B. to be receiving
C. to have received
D. to have been received
[单项选择]It is a ()ride from his home to the shopping center.
A. ninety-miles
B. ninety-mile's
C. ninety miles
D. ninety-mile
[单项选择]From his cheerful expression we may safely ______ that the meeting is successful.
A. conclude
B. imagine
C. suppose
D. consider
[单项选择]From his demeanor (禁止) on entering the room I ( ) that the interview had not gone well for him.
A. informed
B. implied
C. indicated
D. inferred
[单项选择]He frequently wandered from his text to ______ on a point that had obviously caught his audience's interest.
A. elaborate
B. stress
C. interrupt
D. illustrate
[单项选择]It,is a () fide from his home to the shopping center.
A. ninety-miles
B. ninety-mile's
C. ninety miles
D. ninety-mile
[单项选择]He'd better resign from his post, ______

[单项选择] [听力原文] M: Has Peter come back from his trip to China W: Yes, and he liked it so much that after only two weeks at home, he went back to study Chinese for a year. What does this conversation tell us about Peter()
A. He will return from China in two weeks.
B. He is studying Chinese in China.
C. He is having a vacation in China.
D. He is planning to go back to China.
[单项选择]He claimed $ 1 million______ from his boss for the loss of his left leg while at work.
A. payment
B. check
C. damages
D. income
[单项选择]John will get the money from his aunt _______ her death.
A. with the help of
B. in the event of
C. according to
D. in face of
[单项选择]As ______ clear from his manners, he is a teacher.

A. being
B. is
C. to be
D. been


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