发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]These excursions will give you an even deeper ______ into our language and culture.
A. inquiry
B. investigation
C. input
D. insight

更多"These excursions will give you an e"的相关试题:

[简答题]What help does it give you when you use these chunks in your communication
[单项选择]I'll give you my telephones number in case you()want to get in touch with me.
A. will
B. should
C. would
D. need
[单项选择]I can' t give you that for nothing, what do you take me ______

A. up
B. for
C. to
D. after
[单项选择]Even if you take the matter to the judge, you have no chance of winning the ______.
[单项选择]Professor Li will give you that report ().
A. late
B. latest
C. later
D. latter
[单项选择]First let me give you an idea of how little China is known to the Americans.

A. 第一大家已知道美国人对中国所知甚少。
B. 首先让大家了解一下美国人对中国所知甚少。
C. 第一你必须了解这样一点,美国人很少了解中国。
D. 首先大家必须清楚,中国对美国多么缺乏了解.
[单项选择]We are a magazine, which will give you inside information you won' t find elsewhere.

A. 我们是一家能够为您提供您在其他地方找不到的内部消息的杂志。
B. 我们是一家杂志社,专门为您提供您在其他地方找不到的小道消息。
C. 我们杂志能为您提供您在其他地方找不到的内部消息。
D. 我们负责为您登载小道消息、特别报道和花边新闻。
[单项选择]Let me give you ______.
A. advices
B. some advice
C. an advice
D. the advice

Allow me to give you a little advice about writing (21) . First, make your characters (22) Make sure that they behave and talk as (23) In real life, everyone is (24) . If all your characters speak the same way and (25) to things in the same way, you’ll lose your readers at the start.
Once your readers believe in your characters, you must get them to care. Each reader must be able to (26) at least one character, to "become" that character in his or her mind. You can do this by developing characters with (27) human traits, both good and bad. The individuals who populate your story should have human (28)
Now it’s time to weave your tale, to create a plot. Your readers are part of the story now; they are (29)
One last thing your story must touch its readers (30) . If you can make them laugh and cry along with your characters, you ar
[单项选择]Bring the umbrella on the picnic even though you don't anticipate ______ it.
A. using
B. use
C. to use
D. to be using
[单项选择]Man: The suitcase looks heavy. Let me give you a hand.
Woman: ______
[单项选择]If you are the writer, what title do you give the passage

A. The Life of Jules Verne.
B. Jules Verne and His Two Fictions.
C. Jules Verne: Father of Science Fiction.
D. The Dream of Jules Verne Come True.
[单项选择]An even number x divided by 7 give some quotient plus a remainder of 6. Which of the following, when added to x, gives a sum which must be divisible by 14 ?()
A. 1
B. 3
C. 7
D. 8
E. 13
[单项选择]I'll give you this sample to ( ) wants to have it.
A. whomever
B. whoever
C. someone
D. anyone
[单选题]_______ means I give permission for you to do what you asked.


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