发布时间:2023-09-27 22:29:29

[单项选择]______, I wrote a letter to Henry Ford II and told him what happened.
A. Desperate
B. Despite
C. Inspiring
D. Exciting

更多"______, I wrote a letter to Henry F"的相关试题:

[填空题]Henry Ford was finally chosen as the Businessman of the Century because he was the builder of an industry that transformed the very land we live on, the first to create a mass market and the greatest __________________that we have ever seen in American history.

[单项选择]What did Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and Albert Einstein have in common when they were studying at schools

A. They were top students.
B. They went to best public schools.
C. They were not very good students.
D. Their teachers thought they would be very successful.
[单项选择]Henry Ford wanted to use the profits to expand the company"s factories this was an unusual idea at the time.
A. comma splice
B. fragment
C. run on
D. correct
[单项选择]Henry Ford’s introduction of the assembly line vastly reduced the time it took ______a car.
A. in making
B. for making
C. on making
D. to make
[单项选择]She knew who wrote the letter, so without opening it she tore it into pieces ______.

A. in excitement
B. in disappointment
C. in disgust
D. in expectation
[简答题]This is my letter to the World
That never wrote to Me—
The simple News that Nature told—
With tender Majesty
A. Identify the poet.
B. What idea does the poem express
C. Why does the poet use dashes and capital letters in the poem
[单项选择]All the workers ______ together and wrote a letter to the head of the company.
A. got
B. put
C. took
[单项选择]I forgot ( ) a letter to him, so I wrote to him just now.
A. writing
B. having wrote
C. to have written
D. to write
[单项选择]I wrote him a letter to show my ______ of his thoughtfulness.

A. expectation
B. congratulation
C. attention
D. appreciation
[单项选择]Who is Henry Shelton

A. The Defense Minister.
B. The Secretary of State,
C. Chairman of the Congress.
D. Chairman of the Joint chiefs of staff.
[单选题]BGY2-80远程隔离变压器一次输入220伏,二次侧连II3-II4,使用II1-II6,输出电压为310伏,二 次连II3-II5,同样使用II1-II6时,输出电压为295伏,说明II4与II5间输出电压为( )。
[单项选择]Henry Tanner received widespread recognition for his naturalistic paintings of plantation life.
A. profits
B. storage
C. attention
D. invitations
[单项选择]Henry is so arrogant after being promoted president of the company ______ accept the invitation to his former coworker's wedding.

A. in order to
B. as to
C. as to not
D. as not to
[单项选择]Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs.
A. abuse
B. flavor
C. temptation
D. consumption
[单项选择] Henry Durant put forward the idea because he
A. had once fought in a war in Italy.
B. had been wounded in a war.
C. had assisted in treating the wounded.
D. had seen the casualties and cruelties of war.
[简答题]Please discuss Henry James’ contribution to American literature in regard to his representative works, themes, writing techniques and language.
[判断题]Wilson got the first grant from the Ford Foundation for his study.


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