发布时间:2023-09-28 13:49:03

[单项选择]Shop-assistant: Can I help you
Customer: Yes, I'd like to try these shoes in size 4, please
Shop-assistant: Yes, just a moment ... I'm sorry but we've only got them in four and a half. ______
A. How about another pair
B. Do you want to try them on
C. Do you need any help
D. Any particular color

更多"Shop-assistant: Can I help you Cu"的相关试题:


W: Can I help you, Sir
M: Yes, Can you show me the way to Gate 9 for Flight 911 to Hong Kong I’m quite confused here.

Which Flight will the man take ()
A. Flight 811.
B. Flight 611.
C. Flight 711.
D. Flight 911.
[单项选择]— Can I help you
— Yes. I bought this computer here yesterday, but it ______now.


M: Good morning. Can I help you
W: Yes. I bought this blouse here last week. But there seems to be something wrong with it.

Where does the conversation take place( ).
A. A clothes shop.
B. A book store.
C. A shoe shop.

W: Can I help you
M: Yes, I’ m looking for a book on the presidential election system in U. S.
W: Well, all of our textbooks are arranged by subject and course number in the back of the store.

What is the man looking for( ).
A. a novel about a president.
B. a political science book.
C. a listing of election results.
D. a text for one of his subjects.

W: Room service.Can I help you
M: Yes.I’d like a dinner for two.And would you please send it to the room
W: Sure.Your room number, please
M: Room 5003.
W: Ok.We’ll get it ready in ten minutes.
M: Thanks.By the way, was my room cleaned this morning
W: Yes.We clean all the rooms in the morning. Is there anything wrong
M: No.not really.Just that my wife can’t find her watch anywhere.
W: Just a minute.I’ll go up and check it。

What does the man order ()
A. A breakfast for himself.
B. A dinner for himself.
C. A dinner for two people.

M: Can I help you
W: Yes, I want to fly to Chicago on Wednesday and return on Friday. How much is the ticket
M: Tickets are cheaper if you stay over Saturday night.
W: Thanks, but unfortunately I’ve already arranged some business here that Friday. So I’ll just have to pay the extra cost.
M: What time of day would you prefer Morning or afternoon
W: Morning. Is there a meal
M: Yes, they’ll be serving breakfast, and you’ll also see a film.
W: Sounds good. But what’ s the total cost
M: Eight hundred and fifty dollars round trip.
W: That’ s more than I expected!

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. At a restaurant.
B. At an airport.
C. At a cinema.
D. At a railway station.

W:Excuse me.Can you help me
W:I have a ticket to Seattle.Where can I check in
M:Sorry, I can’t help you here.You have to go to the ticket counter You’ll see a sign there that says, "Check-in", then look for the airline you want.

What does the woman want to do now()
A. To buy a ticket
B. To check in
C. To receive a guest
D. To return a ticket

W: What can I do for you.Sir
M: Yes.I bought this radio three days ago.but it doesn’t work now.I’d like to exchange it for another one.
W: Oh, dear.I’m very sorry for this.Have you got the receipt
M: Yes.hereitis.
W: Ok.Just a moment.please.

Where does this conversation take place ()
A. In a store.
B. In a factory.
C. In a museum.
[单项选择]Can you believe that I won the photo contest with the______of the two pictures that was most esthetic, even though I only tried to hang them where there were nails!
A. pseudonyn
B. trappings
C. corollary
D. juxtaposition
[单项选择]A. Yes, you can. B. Of course, I like to.
C. No, I don’t mind. D. Certainly, please do.
[单项选择]-- Do you speak English
-- Yes, I can speak ______ English.

A. a little
B. little
C. a few

W: Can you tell me some traffic rules
M: Yes, the red light means "stop" while the green light means "go."

What are the two speakers talking about ()
A. They are talking about light rules.
B. They are talking about traffic rules.
C. They are talking about traffic lights.
D. They are talking about school rules.
[单项选择]—Good morning. Can I help you
—I'd like to have this package ______, madam.
A. be weighed
B. to be weighed
C. to weigh
D. weighed
[单项选择]—Can I help you
—I'd like to buy a present for my father's birthday, ______ at a proper price, but of great use.

A. that
B. one
C. anyone
D. everything


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