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发布时间:2023-10-10 13:07:03

[单项选择]This car costs ______ the other one.
A. as much over
B. as much more as
C. as much to
D. as much as

更多"This car costs ______ the other one"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This car costs ______ the other one.
A. as much over
B. as much more as
C. as much to
D. as much as
[单项选择]Each year, car theft and burglary together costs us about ______.

A. £300
B. £150
C. £450
D. £250
[单项选择]The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ______ I thought was a dangerous speed.
A. as
B. which
C. what
D. that
[单项选择]Estimating schedule activity costs involves developing an (74) of the cost of the resources needed to complete each schedule activity.
A. accuracy
B. approximation
C. specification
D. summary
[简答题]government car
[单项选择]Businessmen include the costs of advertising in the prices of the goods and service sell.

A. 商人将广告的费用,商品价格以及他们的销售服务都计算出来。
B. 商人将广告的成本包括在商品的价格中,然后计算服务费。
C. 商人将广告费用纳入他们所售商品及所提供服务的价格中。
D. 商人将广告支出包括进价格中, 出售的货物还包括服务费。
[单项选择]The following costs are relevant to make a decision except ______. (a)differential cost. (b)opportunity cost. (c)historical cost. (d)incremental cost.
[简答题]Maybe your car isn’t your car.
[填空题]The US health care costs have doubled in the last 30 years, but Americans are not 1 healthier than they were in the 1980"s. Hamilton Moses analyzed the changes and trends and 2 his findings. The researchers found Americans spent between $2.5 trillion and $3 trillion on health care in 2011, more than any other developed country. The report highlights two major factors that 3 costs. The first is that the price of medical and 4 services has gone up, along with the cost of drugs, procedures and devices. Moses says Americans" love of technology is part of the problem—they look to technology for the solution of all problems. The second factor is simple to identify, but more complex to address. Poor lifestyle habits, such as smoking and over-eating, have resulted in 5 levels of obesity and diabetes as well as heart disease and lung diseases. Managing chronic disease is expensive. Many of these diseases can be prevented through exercise, diet and 6 a healthy weight, yet in the US prevention has not historically been part of medical care. 7 a nutritionist or participating in wellness activities can be expensive, and those services are not normally 8 by health insurance. Moses" research shows that those who spend the most on chronic disease are not elderly, and that their investment in care does not 9 a long life. Meanwhile, a new report from the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development shows that the US spends between 250% to 300% of what other member nations spend. Despite that, the US trails other developed countries in 10 , coming in at 26th place out of the 36 members of the organization.


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