发布时间:2023-10-10 17:55:41

[单项选择]—I am fired, but let's go.
—Why ______ rest a while

更多"—I am fired, but let's go. —Why __"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—I am fired, but let's go.
—Why ______ rest a while
[单项选择]Why was it possible for these ancient trees let more light through than modern ones

A. Because they were closely spaced, only 3 to 16 feet apart.
B. Because they were smaller plants and shrubs.
C. Because their branches did not fan out as far as to form a shape like umbrella.
D. Because they had very small leaves like that of fern and dropped easily.
[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions

A. What do historiographers consider to be the precise difference between a nation and a nation-state
B. What concepts in the field of historiography are considered unambiguous
C. Are tribal areas without national spatial markers ever represented as nations
D. What is an example of a nation represented in supra-national units
E. (E) How does the establishment of national spatial boundaries produce political problems
[简答题]Mike: Let’s go get something to eat.I am starving.李:我也有点饿。正好,前面有家麦当劳。Mike: There is always a McDonald’s up ahead.Everywhere you turn there is another blasted McDonald’s.They arejust too convenient.I amjust plain sick ofseeing the“Golden Arches”everywhere I turn.Do you know that there are over 8,000 McDonald’s res- taurants in the U.S.alone and over 11,000 franchises worldwideBy the year 2020, everyone will eat at McDonald’s every day.李: 反正我爱吃汉堡包。现在全世界好像没有几个地方没有麦当劳,卖出的汉堡包都超过1000亿个了。光中国这几年就建了几百家,小孩都到那儿过生日。当然,也不是每种产品都好吃,可起码都很标准,不管什么时候去吃,汉堡包都是一个样儿。Mike: Whatever you say.I just don’t think their food is all that great.By the way,do you know that theirs pokesman,Ronald McDonald,is now recognized by 96% of all American childrenThey are the largest minimum—wage employers in America and own more real estate than any other company on earth.What is more,they say that one of every seven American millionaires got their start at McDonald’s.李:别说了,我都要饿死了。Mike: But I just lost my appetite.

[单项选择]According to the four leadership competencies, which of the following is not the skill of a leader

A. Dealing with daily issues and producing results.
B. Recognizing the talents of others and giving them the knowledge and the tools they need to succeed.
C. Nurturing and developing successors.
D. Making macro-plans and ensuring results.
[单项选择]I am quite sure that I can ______ Michael into letting us use his car tomorrow.

A. speak
B. talk
C. tell
D. say
[单项选择]According to Freud's developmental concepts at which stage of development is the individual LEAST likely to think of himself exclusively and outgrow what Freud calls "narcissistic behavior"

A. Oral,
B. B ) Anal.
C. C ) Phallic.
D. Genital.
[填空题]This small village has very beautiful scenery, which has attracted a lot of (visit)()
[单项选择]Women always have an advantage in office work, which requires strong language background and paperwork efficiency.

A. 在需要较强的语言功底及文字水平的办公室工作方面,妇女们往往更具有优势。
B. 在语言功底及文字水平方面得到强化后,妇女们更容易在办公室工作中获得好处。
C. 办公室工作需要较强语言功底及文字水平,妇女们在这方面往往更具优势。
D. 在语言功底及文字水平方面得到强化后,妇女们更能胜任办公室工作。
[单项选择]It is difficult for us to explain phenomena of which we have little or ( ). direct knowledge.
A. not any
B. no
C. none
D. nothing
[单项选择]Medical students learn to distinguish "acute," which means something of recent onset, from "chronic," which means a condition that will probably continue for a()period of time.
A. gloomy
B. temporary
C. tough
D. substantial
[单项选择] [听力原文]6-7 W: Paul, I am nervous. M: Why are you nervous W: I will be nervous whenever I put on the headphone. M: But you can enjoy some music first. The music is so nice. W: Yes, it is. But when the dialogue begins, I can’t catch a word. M: You don’t have to catch every word. Try to get the key words. W: Well, probably, you have to tell me the main idea first. M: I can help you in class, but can’t help you when you take exams. Just relax and take it easy. W: That’s easier said than done. M: Come on, try to listen for the main idea and the key words. What’s the problem with the woman()
A. She is curious about.the headphone.
B. She is enjoying some nice music.
C. She is trying to catch every word.
D. She is ill at ease about her listening.
Snow Ranger

The two things—snow and mountains—which are needed for a ski area are the two things that cause avalanches, large mass of snow and ice crushing down the side of a mountain—often called "White Death."
It was the threat of the avalanche and its record as a killer of man in the western mountains that created the snow ranger. He first started on avalanche control work in the winter of 1937-38 at Alta, Utah, in Wasatch National Forest.
This mountain valley was becoming well known to skiers. It was dangerous. In fact, more than 120 persons had lost their lives in 1936 and another 200 died in 1937 as a result of avalanches before it became a major ski area.
Thus, development of Alta and other major ski resorts in the west was dependent upon controlling the avalanche. The Forest Service set out to do it, and did, with its corps of snow rangers.
It takes many things to make a snow ranger. The snow ranger must be in
A. the Forest Service
B. the Resource Bureau
C. the Tourist Board
D. the Sports Bureau


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