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发布时间:2023-10-04 00:58:00

[单项选择]If men are to be precluded from offering their ______ on a matter that may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, reason is of no use to us.

A. view
B. sentiment
C. conviction
D. persuasion

更多"If men are to be precluded from off"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Men differ from animals ______ they can think and speak.
A. for which
B. for that
C. in that
D. in which
[单项选择]What can we infer from the two poor homeless men

A. They were begging for something to drink.
B. They bought coffee so that they could find themselves a shelter.
C. They were so annoying and scared people away.
D. They were homeless and was asking the author for help.
[填空题]About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way; women are luckier only about one in two hundred is affected in this manner. There are different forms of color blindness. A man may not be able to see deep red. He may think that red, orange and yellow are all shades of green. Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green. In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green—a strange world indeed.
In certain occupations color blindness can be dangerous and candidates are tested most carefully. For example, when fighting at night, soldiers use lights of flares to signal to each other. A green light may mean "Advance" and a red light may mean "Danger! Keep back!" You can see what will happen if somebody thinks that red is green! Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain. In a single eye there are millions of very small things called "cones". These help to see in a bright light and to tell the difference
[单项选择]A wise and frugal government shall ______ men from injuring one another.

A. refrain
B. restrain
C. abstain
D. restrict
[单项选择]______ makes men different from the other animals is that they can think and speak.
A. That
B. The thing
C. All
D. What

Potentially offering a powerful new tool against terrorism, researchers have found a novel way to detect deception: in the liar’s blushing face.
The technique, described in the journal, Nature, uses a thermal camera to detect sudden, involuntary shifts of blood flow in the face. The system performed as accurately as a traditional polygraph, the scientists report.
Yet the camera can provide answers instantly, and does not require a highly trained specialist to operate it or interpret its results. This makes it far better suited than the polygraph for a new, high-tech approach to security that is already raising the hackles of civil libertarians: the screening of large numbers of citizens, at airports and other sensitive areas, who have done nothing wrong.
"The next decade is going to see the development of truly accurate lie detectors, "said Stephen M. Kosslyn, an expert on detecting lies and a professor of psychology at Harvard University.<
A. confirmed the failure of polygraph in detecting deception
B. made American begin to know about lie detection
C. gave a spur to the study of lie detection in the United States
D. triggered America’s development of lie detectors

[单项选择]They are offering a substantial ______ for information leading to the capture of this murderer.

A. appraisal
B. reward
C. compensation
D. premium
[单项选择]Her comments about men are utterly ridiculous.

A. slightly
B. partly
C. faintly
D. completely
[单项选择]Unfortunately, the technology employed to send men to the moon has little relevance __________ the problems of the inner city.

A. of
B. to
C. about
D. with
[单项选择]Passage Four
Women earn less than men do. For example, in 1998 the hourly wages of women in the U. S. were 26% less than those of men. The gap between male and female incomes varies with age. The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men varies. It’s also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less. The larger the number of workers who are women in ran industry, the lower the average wages.
Why do women earn less than men do Can the differences be explained by the fact that women are looked down upon If so, the government has to intervene(干预), to force the employers to pay equal wages to equal jobs. However, there is no agreement among economists about the causes of the gap. One view argues that women, on the average, have chosen low-paying jobs in which workers enjoy the freedom of entering and leaving the lab
A. The imput of labor would be increased.
B. The unemployment rate would go up.
C. Those who have jobs would all become better off.
D. Women as a group would earn more than before.
[单项选择]Women have significant advantages over men in space because they need less food and less oxygen and they ______ radiation better.
A. stand up to
B. stand in for
C. stand up for
D. stand in with
[单项选择]There are thousands of websites now offering online booking.

A. 现在有几千种职业公开对外招聘。
B. 数千个职位已在网上预订了。
C. 数千个网站提供电子图书。
D. 数千个度假网站提供在线预订。
[单项选择]We need more men of culture and enlightment because we have too many ______ among US.
A. students
B. laymen
C. pragmatists
D. philosophers
[单项选择]What were the men doing according to the police

A. They were treating industrial waste.
B. They were tanking industrial waste.
C. They were tanking chemicals.
D. They were using a tank to mix chemicals.


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