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发布时间:2023-10-10 03:05:20

[单项选择]Consumers should do ______ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods.
A. much less
B. some more
C. far less
D. far more

更多"Consumers should do ______ than sim"的相关试题:

[单项选择]How should book sellers do

[单项选择]What should the patient do then()
A. Stay in bed and drink plenty of water.
B. Have the blood examined.
C. Take the medicine and go to the doctor’s in three days.
[单项选择]Young people should never simply _________material comforts.

A. go in for
B. go into
C. go by
D. go along with
[单项选择]How should an assistant do in a good shop

A. help you to choose a book
B. approach you with the inevitable greeting
C. keep himself staying until you hate finished glancing
D. show his great interest in selling book
[单项选择]What should the listeners do to get more information
A. Visit the institute
B. Call a toll-free number
C. Attend an informational meeting
D. Visit a Web site
[单项选择]What should the children do to ensure the possession of their sites
[A] Frequently change their passwords of online accounts.
[B] Put their photos online frequently and randomly.
[C] Guarantee the decency of language on their sites.
[D] Use their read full name for their online account.
[单项选择]What should the students do when the teacher is talking

A. They should discuss the lesson with their classmates.
B. They should stand up.
C. They should sit quietly and listen.
[填空题]By saying "its presence should be felt rather than seen", the author means ______.

[单项选择]You should know better than ______ the risk of gambling.
[多项选择]You should spend no more than 40 minutes on this task. Some day one would go to a football or a baseball game and wonder how the players do so well in the games. Do they go to the gym and work out or do they take steroids Drugs in many ways can help someone; in others it may harm them. Someone suggest that drugs should be legal in sports. What is your opinion
[填空题]What should people do in listening to each conversation Try to notice the ______
[填空题]What should parents do when hearing the child tell a bad story at school
[简答题]Some parents suggest children should be paid to do housework. Do you agree Include reasons and details in your explanation.

[单项选择]Passage Four
Women earn less than men do. For example, in 1998 the hourly wages of women in the U. S. were 26% less than those of men. The gap between male and female incomes varies with age. The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men varies. It’s also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less. The larger the number of workers who are women in ran industry, the lower the average wages.
Why do women earn less than men do Can the differences be explained by the fact that women are looked down upon If so, the government has to intervene(干预), to force the employers to pay equal wages to equal jobs. However, there is no agreement among economists about the causes of the gap. One view argues that women, on the average, have chosen low-paying jobs in which workers enjoy the freedom of entering and leaving the lab
A. there are more than enough women in the labor force
B. women have more freedom in selecting jobs
C. women are only provided with low-paid jobs
D. women are less experienced than men
[单项选择]According to the passage, what should you do when she begins to polish your fingernails

A. Start with clean nails.
B. Begin with a base coat.
C. Clean up as you go.
D. Watch your brus
[单项选择]What should we do when the cat refuses to eat

A. Forcing it to eat.
B. Remove her food and feed it later.
C. Take to a vet.


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