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发布时间:2023-10-13 12:35:33

[单项选择]Australia, with less than a tenth of America' s population, last year earned $ 2billion on foreign education.

A. 澳大利亚以少于美国十分之一的人力,去年在国外办教育赚了20亿美元。
B. 澳大利亚,少于美国人口的十分之一,去年在国外教育上赚了20亿美元.
C. 澳大利亚的人口尽管不到美国的十分之一,去年的留学生教育赚了20亿美元。
D. 澳大利亚,一个比美国人口少十分之一的国家,去年在对留学生的教育上赚了20亿美元。

更多"Australia, with less than a tenth o"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Australia,with less than a tenth of America's population,last year earned $2 billion on foreign education.

A. 澳大利亚以少于美国十分之一的人力,去年在国外办教育赚了20亿美元。
B. 澳大利亚,少于美国人口的十分之一,去年在国外教育上赚了20亿美元。
C. 澳大利亚的人口尽管不到美国的十分之一,去年的留学生教育赚了20亿美元。
D. 澳大利亚,一个比美国人口少十分之一的国家,去年在对留学生的教育上赚了20亿美元。
[单项选择]How many integers 72 greater than 10 and less than 100 are there such that, if the digits of n are reversed, the resulting integer is n+9 ?()
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
E. 9
[单项选择]Passage Four
Women earn less than men do. For example, in 1998 the hourly wages of women in the U. S. were 26% less than those of men. The gap between male and female incomes varies with age. The gap between the labor incomes of young women and young men varies. It’s also clear that jobs in which women are concentrated pay less. The larger the number of workers who are women in ran industry, the lower the average wages.
Why do women earn less than men do Can the differences be explained by the fact that women are looked down upon If so, the government has to intervene(干预), to force the employers to pay equal wages to equal jobs. However, there is no agreement among economists about the causes of the gap. One view argues that women, on the average, have chosen low-paying jobs in which workers enjoy the freedom of entering and leaving the lab
A. there are more than enough women in the labor force
B. women have more freedom in selecting jobs
C. women are only provided with low-paid jobs
D. women are less experienced than men
[单项选择]xdenotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Isx=1
A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. (E) 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.

How many positive prime numbers are less than the integer n ?()

A. 条件(1)充分,但条件(2)不充分.
B. 条件(2)充分,但条件(1)不充分.
C. 条件(1)和(2)单独都不充分,但条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来充分.
D. 条件(1)充分,条件(2)也充分.
E. 条件(1)和条件(2)单独都不充分,条件(1)和条件(2)联合起来也不充分.
[填空题]Substances with pH values less than 7 are alkaline.
[填空题]Humanity uses a little less than half the water available worldwide.
Yet occurrences of shortages and droughts are causing famine in some
but industrial and agricultural by-products are polluting water supplies. (1) _____
Since the world’s population is expecting to double in the next 50 years, (2) _____
many experts think we are on the edge of a widespread water crisis.
But that doesn’t have to be the outcome. Water shortages do not
have to trouble the world—if we started valuing water more than we (3) _____
have in the past. Just like we began to appreciate petroleum more after (4) _____
the 1970s oil crisis, today we must start looking at water from a fresh
economical perspective. We can no longer afford to consider water a (5) _____
virtual free resource of which we can use as much as we like. (6) _____
Instead, for all uses except the domestic demand of the po


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