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发布时间:2023-10-19 17:19:24

[单项选择]When will you go to have your hair ______

A. cut
B. cutting
C. to cut

更多"When will you go to have your hair "的相关试题:

[单项选择]What will your blood pressure happen when you have arm exercise
[单项选择]Your hair needs()You'd better have it cut tomorrow.
A. Cutting
B. to cut
C. cut
D. being cut
[单项选择] [听力原文] M: How would you like your hair cut W: it’ s getting a little too long, but I don’ t cut it too much. What’s the relationship between the two speakers()
A. Student - teacher.
B. Doctor - patient.
C. Buyer - salesman.
D. Hairdresser - customer.
[单项选择]Your hair needs______. You’ d better have it done tomorrow.
A. to cut
B. cut
C. cutting
D. being cut

When you have an idea of the kind of car you might be buying, take the time to look up road tests. These appear in consumer magazines and in magazines for automobile enthusiasts, and both types are usually available in your library if you’re not a subscriber. The consumer magazines generally pay more attention to practical things like roominess, gas mileage, and repair records; the enthusiasts’ magazines pay more attention to things like performance and style. You should remember that the enthusiasts’ magazines depend on the auto industry for the advertising that keeps them in business and some (not all) will manage to find something nice to say about all cars. So read about several road tests of the car you are thinking of getting.
You may want to skip this step because your mind is already made up--maybe you always buy a certain make of car or you like one that a friend has. But check the magazines’ road tests anyway; they may change your mind.A. Federal law requires prospective car buyers to do comparison shopping.
B. Consumer magazines devote more than half their pages to practical advice about cars.
C. A subscription to an automobile enthusiasts’ magazine is required of prospective car buyers.
D. Federal law requires that specific car performance information be made available to all purchasers.

[填空题]Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated (47) Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it Are you afraid to ask someone for a date
Many people are afraid to assert (表现) themselves. Dr. Alberti thinks it’s because their self-respect is low. "Our whole (48) is designed to make people distrust themselves," says Alberti. "There’s always (49) around--a parent, a teacher, a boss--who ’knows better’. These superiors often gain when they chip (削弱) away at your self-image."
But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people. (50) themselves. They (51) "assertiveness training" courses--AT for short. In the AT courses people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be more (52) without hurting other people.
In one way, learning to speak out is to (53) fear.
[单项选择]Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar ______ write correctly.

[单项选择](), you must show your ticket to go into the cinema
A. No matter who you are
B. Whomever you are
C. Whoever you are
D. No matter who are you
[简答题]When you have written a letter, read it through carefully; see that you have put in everything you intended, and have expressed it well; read it again, trying to put yourself in the place of the reader, to find out what impression your letter will make. The aim of the letter is to secure the interest of the reader, and his co - operation. The motto in letter - writing is: Remember the three C’ s - Clear, Conciseness and Courtesy.
[填空题]You can consult the (law) ______ when you have some trouble in the divorce.
[单项选择]When you have finished with the book, don't forget to return it to Tim, ______
[单项选择]When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on my desk, ______
[单项选择]When you have finished that book, don’t forget to put it on the bookshelf, ( ).
A. do you
B. will you
C. don’t you
D. won’t you
[单项选择]______ , you must show your ticket to go into the cinem

A. A. No matter who you areB. Whomever you areC. Whoever you areD. No matter who are you


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