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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:28:09

[单项选择]What is cash flow from financing()
A. -210.
B. -112.
C. -350.

更多"What is cash flow from financing()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]An analystdoes research about cash flow from operating and gathers the following information about a company:
2011 2010
Depreciation expense $5000 $4000
Gain on sales of equipment $900 $0
tax $1987 $1235
Working capital $40000 $45000
Under U. S. GAAP, the adjustment to net income to arrive at 2011 cash flow from operating activities is:()
A. subtracting $900.
B. adding $9100.
C. subtracting $9100.
[单项选择]Determine the cash flow from operations given the following table.()
A. $35
B. $30
C. $25
[单项选择]The RR Corporation had cash flow from operations of $ 20 million. RR purchased $ 5 million in equipment and sold $ 3 million of equipment during the period. Cash flows from financing were $ 2 million. What is RR' s free cash flow for the period()
A. $18.
B. $22.
C. $20.
[单项选择]Determine the cash flow from investing given the following table:
A. Item
B. Amount
C. Cash payment of dividends
D. $30
E. Sale of equipment
F. $25
G. Net income
H. $25
I. Purchase of land
J. $15
K. Increase in accounts payable
L. $20
M. Sale of preferred stock
N. $25
[单项选择]What is investing cash flow()
A. -224.
B. -210.
C. -70.
[单项选择]What is operating cash flow()
A. -70.
B. 28.
C. 56.
[单项选择]What is total cash flow()
A. -98.
B. -224.
C. -350.
[单项选择]A cash flow statement
A. shows the amounts of money in cash, or near cash form, received and paid out by a firm from trading during a period.
B. shows the amounts of money in cash, or near cash form, received and paid out by a firm from all activities during a period.
C. shows the change in financial positions of a firm during a period.
D. shows a firm’s cash transactions during a period.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about cash flow calculation. The indirect method of reporting cash flow from operating activities most likely begins with:()
A. net income.
B. depreciation and amortization.
C. changes in balance sheet accounts.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about cash flow statements. On the cash flow state ment, interests received are classified as operating activity under:()
A. IFRS only.
B. U. S. GAAP only.
C. both IFRS and U. S. GAAP.
[单项选择]An analyst is doing research about cash flow statement. On the cash flow statement, the acquisition of or sale proceeds from trading securities is categorized as a(n):()
A. investing activity.
B. financing activity.
C. operating activity.
[单项选择]An analyst does research about cash flow ratios. Which of the following best represents a debt payment coverage ratio Cash flows from operations are divided by:()
A. average total debt.
B. cash paid for long-term assets.
C. cash paid for long-term debt repayment.
[单项选择]In preparing a cash flow forecast, a firm is likely to employ a minimum acceptable cash balance:()
A. of zero.
B. that includes a component for opportunities that may arise.
C. equal to the amount necessary to pay projected payables, interest, taxes, and day-to-day expenses.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT a cash flow in the calculation of cash flow from operations()
A. Dividends received.
B. Dividends paid.
C. Interest income.
[单项选择]All of the following are cash flows from operations EXCEPT:()
A. interest payments.
B. dividends paid to shareholders.
C. dividends received.
[单项选择]What distinguishes morphology from syntax deals with the rules governing the combination of

A. words into phrases and sentences.
B. sounds into patterns and words.
C. meanings into passages and system.
D. words into branches and language.
[单项选择]What distinguishes Shakespeare from the other English dramatists who also used well- known English history and old legends as sources

A. His recreation of familiar tales.
B. His competence in foreign languages.
C. His own experience as an actor.
D. His Roetic passion:
[单项选择]What was indicated from the arrangement of the seat


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