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发布时间:2023-11-13 20:37:35

[单项选择]Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mother' s years of education.()
A. 统计数字表明,按平均数计算.,母亲受教育年限越长,她的家庭人口就越少。
B. 统计数字表明,家庭平均人口的增长与母亲受教育的年限成反比。
C. 统计数字表明,母亲受教育的时间越长,她的家庭就越大。
D. 统计数字表明,母亲受教育的水平随着她的家庭人口的增多而增高。

更多"Statistics show that the average fa"的相关试题:

[单项选择]According to the passage parents have become increasingly interested in ________.

[单项选择]Size 10 is()tight for my daughter. Show me a wider pair
A. very
B. so
C. too
D. quite
[单项选择]The whole family were very happy.

[单项选择]What advantage does the nuclear family offer women

A. All the power of the family.
B. An equal right to make decisions.
C. All the decisions about family life.
D. All the freedom neede
[单项选择]After the funeral the widow and family spent several days in ______.

A. solitude
B. isolation
C. retirement
D. seclusion
[单项选择]This passage suggests that a well-organized family is a family whose members ______.

A. often help each other with true love and affection
B. are not psychologically withdrawn from one another
C. never quarrel with each other even when they disagree
D. exposed to the same new ideas introduced by books, radios, and TV sets
[单项选择]When the Victorians had family reunions, the hosts went ______ their way to entertain the guests.

A. in for
B. over
C. out of
D. back on
[单项选择]The point of the debate over family structure lies in ______.

A. whether we should believe in equality and diversity
B. how parents should pursue their individual happiness
C. why we should meet the needs of children for a happy family
D. how the breakup of the families threatens the well being of children

An architectural style defines as a family of such systems in terms of a (1) of structural organization. More specifically, an architectural style defines a vocabulary of (2) and connector types, and a set of (3) on how they can be combined. For many styles there may also exist one or more (4) that specify how to determine a system's overall properties from the properties of its parts. Many of architectural styles have been developed over the years. The best-known examples of (5) architectures are programs written in the Unix shell.

A. pattern
B. data flow
C. business process
D. position level
[单项选择]The main structure of a nuclear family consists of

A. one father, one mother and children
B. grandparents, parents and children
C. wives, husbands and their relatives
D. sisters, grandparents and aunts
[单项选择]An ideal family admired by all consisted of 5 generations,with the male members making all the important decisions.

A. 理想的、令人羡慕的家庭是五世同堂,家里的大事由男人做主。
B. 理想的、令人羡慕的家庭由五代人组成,家里的重要决定由男子定夺。
C. 我们心中理想的家庭由五个人组成,家里的大事由男人做主。
D. 我们心中理想的家庭由五个人组成,年长者对重要决定有决策权。
[单项选择]The advocates—mainly family therapy doctors—are applying a new approach to everything from marriage conflict to psychosis.

A. margin
B. marine
C. marital
D. martial
[单项选择]The three sisters decided to hold a family party to ______ their parents' silver wedding.
A. celebrate
B. memorize
C. congratulate
D. welcome
[单项选择]If Debbie cannot manage family and work, she will ______.
A. be dismissed from her job
B. be transferred to another job
C. have a cut in her salary
D. devote all her time to homemaking


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