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发布时间:2024-03-29 05:54:50

[单项选择]A family with 2 adults and '2 children and with clothes washer and dishwasher should purchase a water heater with a capacity of ______ gallon.

A. 66
B. 52
C. 80 (two tanks with 40 each)
D. 82

更多"A family with 2 adults and '2 child"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A family with 2 adults and '2 children and with clothes washer and dishwasher should purchase a water heater with a capacity of ______ gallon.

A. 66
B. 52
C. 80 (two tanks with 40 each)
D. 82
[单项选择]Admission: ADULTS 20p, CHILDREN FREE. A. Children will be free. B. Adults have to pay 20 pence to get in. C. Children don't have to pay adults to get out.
[单项选择]Children are more likely than adults to suffer the negative effects of pesticides because ______.

A. children absorb more pesticides than adults, proportionally
B. pesticides are used more in areas with children
C. the pesticides used in schools are more dangerous than other pesticides
D. adults know more about pesticides than children
[单项选择]Both adults and children help to make the islanders' clothes.
[单项选择]According to the writer, adults and children differ ______.
A. in the body
B. in the mind
C. in the clothes
D. in the body and the mind
[单项选择]Adults sometimes envy children who play all the time () they themselves have to work, rain or shine.
A. while
B. once
C. since
D. though
[单项选择]Admission: ADULTS20p, CHILDREN FREE.
[单项选择]Adults learn a foreign language()children acquire their mother tongues.
A. with the much same way as
B. in much the same way like
C. using the much same way of
D. in much the same way that
[单项选择]Children's needs are as varied as those of adults.()
A. 儿童的需求也像成人的需求一样是多种多样的。
B. 儿童需求有必要像成人的需求一样。
C. 儿童需求成人多种多样的照顾。
D. 儿童的需求像成人的需求一样。
[单项选择]Compared with adults, children are ______.

A. more susceptible to colds and flu
B. more likely to touch their faces and noses
C. more careful about their appearances
D. washing their hands more frequently
[单项选择]Family education has a great () on children in many ways.
A. result
B. danger
C. disadvantage
D. effect
[单项选择]The family is too poor to ( ) the three children ( ) school.
A. send, for
B. take, to
C. send, to
D. bring, to
[单项选择]The family is too poor to()the three children()school.
A. send... for
B. take.... to
C. send... to
D. bring... to


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