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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:36:15

[单项选择](As is known) to all, sometimes it is very (difficult) to (tell) the difference between technical English (from) everyday English.
A. As is known
B. difficult
C. tell
D. from

更多"(As is known) to all, sometimes it "的相关试题:

[单项选择](As is known) to all, sometimes it is very (difficult) to (tell) the difference between technical English (from) everyday English.

A. As is known
B. difficult
C. tell
D. from
[单项选择](As is known) to (all), sometimes it is very difficult (to tell) the difference between technical English (from everyday English).

A. As is known
B. all
C. to tell
D. from everyday English
[单项选择]Canada is well known for all the following EXCEPT
A. its mineral resources
B. its heavy industries
C. its forest resources
D. its fertile and arable land
[单项选择]It is known to all that children in this region have strong ______ to swimming in summer because of the hot weather.

A. inclination
B. exposure
C. flux
D. correlation
[单项选择]As is known to all, trade and specialization go hand in hand and enable each of us to have more products to use()
A. 众所周知,现代贸易需要生产的专门化,才能让我们用到更多新产品。
B. 众所周知,贸易和专门化相辅相成,使我们每个人能使用更多的产品。
C. 众所周知,贸易和专门化总是同时进行,使我们能生产出更多的产品。
D. 众所周知,现代贸易需要生产的专门化,才能够制造出更多的新产品。
[单项选择]It is known to all()discovered the America continent.
A. how
B. who
C. when
D. why
[单项选择]()is known to all,good friends add happinesss and value to each other's life.
A. As
B. Since
C. Like
D. Though
[单项选择]As is known to all, the newcomers must have a good command of English in this company.

A. 正如所有人知道的,这个公司新来的人英语必须不错。
B. 众所周知,这个公司新来的人英语必须不错。
C. 众所周知,新来的人在这个公司必须学英语。
D. 众所周知,这个公司的老板必须用英语发号施令。
[单项选择]The best known of all the Arctic birds, ().
A. birdwatchers favor ptarmigans
B. being ptarmigans' and birdwatchers' favorites
C. favored by both ptarmigans and birdwatchers
D. ptarmigans are a favorite of birdwatchers
[单项选择]He is a writer, ()is known to all.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. this
[单项选择]It's known to all that light travels much more quickly than sound does()
A. 所有知道的全部内容就是光跑的速度要比声音快得多。
[单项选择]As ( ) known to all, language has been developed through social contacts.
A. is
B. are
C. though
D. if
[单项选择]()is known to all, China is a developing country.
A. Which
B. What
C. As
D. That
[单项选择]John had an argument with Henry,()was known to all
A. what
B. that
C. this
D. which
[单项选择]()he has become a rich man is known to all in our town.
A. Because
B. That
C. /
D. What
[单项选择]______is known to all, Peking University is one of the most famous universities in China.
A. It
B. As
C. What
D. That


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