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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:34:49

[单项选择]_________ the size or nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.

A. Whatever
B. Of
C. Whereas
D. Because

更多"_________ the size or nature of a b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ the size or nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.
[单项选择]_______ the size and nature of a business, its main goal is to earn a profit.
A. Whatever
B. Whichever
C. Whereas
D. Because
[单项选择]Their business flourished at its new location a year later owing to their joint efforts and hard work().
A. prevailed
B. failed
C. boomed
D. shrank
[单项选择]The business council stated its opinion that the new penalties for tax evasion are out of () with the seriousness of the crime.
A. size
B. proportion
C. equivalence
D. combination
[单项选择]When the time came to close the business down, its entire ______ had to be calculated so that the creditors could be paid off.
A. property
B. wealth
C. belongs
D. assets
[单项选择]The size of the castle and its commanding position still _____ the visitors today.
A. impress
B. stress
C. affect
D. emphasize
[单项选择]Nature is sure to take its _________ on human for our misconducts to it.

A. harassment
B. agony
C. revenge
D. bias
[单项选择]It's the company's conviction that its business will be expanded rapidly, though it is at a rather______ level now.

A. modest
B. mild
C. minor
D. minimum
[单项选择]With regard to its size, Australia is ______country in the world.

A. the third largest
B. the fourth largest
C. the fifth largest
D. the sixth largest
[单项选择]With regard to its size, Australia is ______ country in the world.

A. the third largest
B. the fourth largest
C. the fifth largest
D. the sixth largest
[单项选择]With regard to its size, the U.S.A. is the ( ) country in the world.
A. largest
B. second largest
C. third largest
D. fourth largest
[多项选择]当股价站稳在长期MA与短期MA之上,短期MA又向上穿过长期MA时,下列说法或判断正确的有( )。
A. 此种短期MA与长期MA的交叉称为“黄金交叉”
B. 此种短期MA与长期MA的交叉称为“死亡交叉”
C. 此时MA发出买进信号
D. 此时MA发出卖出信号
[多项选择]当股价站稳在长期MA与短期MA之上,短期MA向上穿过长期MA时,下列说法或判断中,正确的是( )。
A. 此种短期MA与长期MA的交叉称为“黄金交叉”
B. 此种短期MA与长期MA的交叉称为“死亡交叉”
C. 此时MA发出买进信号
D. 此时MA发出卖出信号
[单项选择]Google doesn't restrict its search ads to its own site because______.


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