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发布时间:2024-03-29 20:17:22

[单项选择]Leacock's account of being summoned to look at a stewardess's knee ______.

A. tells us that he was always ready to help others
B. indicates that he was an incompetent doctor
C. reveals that he was very proud of his degree
D. shows that he could be playful sometimes

更多"Leacock's account of being summoned"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The writer thinks human being's leaving the stage can be any of the following but __________.

[单项选择]What may be the reason for human being's leaving the stage

A. D.The command of DN
[单项选择]What may be human being's best choice about its future, according to the passage

[单项选择]The author gives an account of Erica's performance in her study in order to ______.

A. illustrate her cleverness in test-taking.
B. reveal the incompetence of teachers
C. show there is something wrong with the current practice in teaching
D. demonstrate the best way to read textbooks
[单项选择]What was the first thing that he saw after being struck down by the lightning

A. His wife.
B. The large tree.
C. A plough.
D. The lightning itsel
[单项选择]The chairperson of a woman' s club being addressed by Adlai Stevenson during his campaign indulged in a lengthy introduction full of ______ remarks;
A. laudatory
B. lascivious
C. languish
D. lethargic
[单项选择]What is the man's purpose of being here

A. To reserve a room with bath.
B. To pay the deposit.
C. To check his reservation.
D. To stay in the Dreamland Hotel.
[单项选择]What did the future look like for Britain's food production at the time this article was written

A. The fall in world food prices would benefit British food producers.
B. An expansion of food production was at hand.
C. British food producers would receive more government financial support.
D. It looks depressing despite government guarantees.
[单项选择]There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face. Why

[单项选择]Man: It's a long journey. You look tired.()
Woman: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please
Man: Sure.
A. Where's your luggage
B. How can I help you
C. May I help you with anything
D. Do you mind my help
[单项选择]Look ( )! There's a car coming.
A. up
B. out
C. back
D. over
[单项选择]A) looking C) to look
B) look D) looked

A. looking
B. look
C. to look
D. looked
A. ZhangSan_ICBCAccount是ICBCA_ACCOUNT类的一个实例
B. ZhangSan_ICBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount总具有相同的属性
C. ZhangSan_ICBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount总具有相同的状态
D. ZhangSan_CBCAccount和LiSi_ICBCAccount总具有不同的操作
[单项选择]What is the characteristic of current account

[单项选择]Why does Johnny look unhappy


These circumstances were farfrom being ordinary and Smith had a ()reason for being here personally.

A. twofold
B. couple
C. bilateral
D. doubling
[单项选择]Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly refused to ______ with their demands.

A. comply
B. commend
C. compile
D. contend


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