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发布时间:2024-03-29 05:07:01

[单项选择]When Adams served as the sixth U.S. President, ____________.

更多"When Adams served as the sixth U.S."的相关试题:

[单项选择]When Adams served as the sixth U.S. president, ______.

[单项选择]In the sixth paragraph, when talking about empowerment, the writer means that ______.

[单项选择]By the sixth century AD, when few Europeans could read, the Chinese ______ paper.

A. invented
B. had invented
C. have invented
D. had been invented
[单项选择]When the Cold War began, who was the president of U.S.A

A. Roosevelt.
B. Acheson.
C. Eisenhower.
D. Truman.
[单项选择]When do you think the President will______ you in office

A. locate
B. confirm
C. reinforce
D. qualify
[单项选择]How did John Adams make his living

A. He trained soldiers.
B. He was a smith.
C. He was a silversmith.
D. He was a politician.
[单项选择]The sentence in the sixth paragraph "no one could pass on his name" may mean that ______.

A. no one could change his name by himself
B. no one could give his name to a son
C. no one could give his name away
D. no one could give up his name
[单项选择]Adams now maintains that it is less important to save the nation ()to a perilous future.
A. had alerted them
B. from alerting it
C. as to alert them
D. than to alert it
[单项选择]Which American president witnessed the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the Westernization of
East European countries

A. Carter.
B. Reagan.
C. Bush.
D. Clinton.
[单项选择]In your judgement, compared with Adams. Lincoln ____________.

A. was not a world-famous president
B. seemed to be an unimportant president
C. was a well-known president
D. had the same fact as Adams
[单项选择]What did Mercy Warren, Abigail Adams, and Judith Sargeant Murray have in common

ADAMS View中悬架刚度、侧偏角刚度怎么测量

如果要测量刚度 需要建立柔性体 然后导入ADAMS中仿真分析 即ADAMS FLEX的应

[单项选择]In America, salads are very popular and are served especially ______.

A. all year
B. in the summer
C. at lunch
D. at dinner
[单项选择]Adams hadn't a ()what the speaker was talking about most of the time because the class was in chaos.
A. guess
B. thought
C. concept
D. clue
[单项选择]In your judgment, compared with Adams, Lincoln______.

A. was not a world-famous president
B. seemed to be an unimportant president
C. was a well-known president
D. had the same fact as Adams
[单项选择]The President of Harvard pioneered the elective system by()students were able to choose their own courses of study.
A. what
B. whom
C. that
D. which
[单项选择]The author is obviously critical of President Clinton for______.
A. his handling the matter in a wrong perspective
B. his failing to match his words with his actions
C. his lacking historical knowledge about the WTO
D. his overemphasizing the economic role of the WTO
[单项选择]It is obviously necessary that both the President and his advisers ______ down to earth.

A. will be
B. should be
C. would be
D. must be


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