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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:34:25

[单项选择]Her sole aim was to take shelter _________the storm and to get herself warm.

A. for
B. from
C. in
D. over

更多"Her sole aim was to take shelter __"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I decided to take her to London ______ train.

A. on
B. by
C. with
[单项选择]When Jane began to take swimming lessons, her main ______ was the fear of water.
A. evidence
B. crisis
C. obstacle
D. danger
[单项选择]The doctor said that it would take a month for her fractured wrist to ______.
A. recover
B. heal
C. remedy
D. cure
[单项选择]Her sister urged her to go shopping with her.
A. suggested
B. caused
C. forced
D. promised
[单项选择]The man next to her spoke to her.

[单项选择]Why was AIM founded in 1968

[单项选择]The woman thinks that her daughter should do her homework ______.

A. by herself
B. with the mother
C. with the classmates
[单项选择]Her sadness was obvious, but she believed that her feeling of depression was ______.
A. torrent
B. transient
C. tensile
D. textured
[单项选择]Mary often drinks her tea with her little finger sticking out; I really can't _______ that kind of behavior.

A. put through
B. put off
C. put up with
D. put out
[单项选择]Things went well for her during her early life but in her middle age her ______ seemed to change.
[单项选择]Among all her faults, she thanked Heaven her enemies could not ______ her ______ prying into the affairs of other people.

A. charge…with
B. accuse…of
C. sue…for
D. indict…for
[单项选择]Her eyes were shining brightly and her face was ______ with colour.
A. proofread
B. prevaricated
C. stewed
D. suffused
[单项选择]Her face brightened up when she saw her long-awaited friend _______.

A. turning off
B. turning away
C. turning in
D. turning up
[单选题] Her teacher thinks ()of her.
A. High
B. highly
C. well
D. good
[单项选择]Her sister (urged) her to apply for the job.
A. advised
B. caused
C. forced
D. promised
[单项选择]Fiona's anxiety about her husband made her a too ______ visitor at the lawyer's office.

A. haunted
B. obsessed
C. lingering
D. frequent
[单项选择]His rudeness upset her, and it took her a long time to______
A. put off
B. set back
C. come from
D. get over


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