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发布时间:2024-03-29 18:41:59

[单项选择]He's working hard for fear that he ______.
A. should fall behind
B. fell behind
C. may fall behind
D. would fallen behind

更多"He's working hard for fear that he "的相关试题:

[单项选择]He's working hard for fear that he ______.
A. should fall behind
B. fell behind
C. may fall behind
D. would fall behind
[单项选择]He said, "We ()be proud of working hard. We mustn't be lazy. "
A. must
B. needn't
C. may
D. can't
[单项选择]Hard as he worked, he failed to support the whole family.

A. 他努力工作,却未能支持一家人。
B. 尽管他努力工作,却养不起一家人。
C. 尽管他努力工作,却没有得到全家的支持。
D. 无论他多么努力工作,也养不起一家人。
[单项选择]The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts()success in the end.
A. rewarded
B. were rewarded
C. will reward
D. will be rewarded
[单项选择]Scientists are working hard to come up with a sure solution to the food ( )for mankind.
A. decline
B. rarity
C. scarcity
D. shortage
[单项选择]Hard as he tried, the speaker could not _______ his point of view to the audience.

A. put across
B. put away
C. put forward
D. put through
[单项选择]He is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is not the man ______ he was twenty years ago.
A. which
B. that
C. who
D. whom
[单项选择]He achieved success through hard work.
A. reached
B. reaped
C. attained
D. took
[单项选择]When compared with other qualities, hard-working and self-confidence are mom likely to lead to Success.()
A. 其他品质与勤奋和自信一样,都可以带给你更多的成功。
B. 与其他品质相比,勤奋和自信更可能使人获得成功。
C. 在比较其他品质时,勤奋和自信可能使人获得更大的成功。
D. 勤奋和自信比其他品质更容易让你成功。
[单项选择]He won the scholarship. He ______ hard these terms.

A. should have worked
B. must have worked
C. must have been working
D. could have worked
[单项选择]Although he was ill,______ he went on working.

A. but
B. yet
C. and
D. while
[单项选择]If Tim keeps working like this, he'll ______ sooner or later.

A. break down
B. give off
C. get down
D. hold on
[单项选择]In 1990 he caught a serious illness,()effects he still suffers.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. whose
[单项选择]Mother kept telling Peter that he should work harder, ______ didn't help.
[单项选择]He was working in Africa and was considered by the company as the best manager at collecting ______ and making money.
A. ivory
B. irony
C. inventory
D. levy
[单项选择]He's watching TV He's() to be cleaning his room.
A. known
B. supposed
C. regarded
D. considered
[单项选择]Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent.().I can't speak too highly of him.
A. As a result
B. By the way
C. In a word
D. On the contrary


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