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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:20:04

[单项选择]A tree sucks up water through its ______.

A. roots
B. leaves
C. trunk
D. branches

更多"A tree sucks up water through its _"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A tree sucks up water through its ______.

A. roots
B. leaves
C. trunk
D. branches
[单项选择]Hydrogeology is the study of water and its properties, including its ______ and movement in and through land areas.
A. flow
B. absorption
C. distribution
D. evaporation
[单项选择]Water makes up some 70 percentage points of the body, and drinking enough water—either tap water or expensive mineral water—will ensure that the body is properly lubricated and flushed.( )
A. per cent
B. per capita
C. percent
D. percentage
[单项选择]Liquids such as water and oil take up space and they are measured in units of liquid ()
A. vessel
B. barrel
C. tank
D. volume
[单项选择]What causes the tension that draws water up a plant

A. Humidity
B. Plant growth
C. Root pressure
D. Evaporation
[单项选择]Water makes up some 70 {{U}}percentage points{{/U}} of the body, and drinking enough water— either tap water or expensive mineral water—will ensure that the body is properly lubricated and flushed.
A. per-cent
B. per capita
C. percent
D. percentage
[单项选择]He climbed up into the tree and picked all the fruit()reach.
A. within
B. off
C. beyond
D. inside
[单项选择]He climbed up into the tree and picked all of the fruit ______ reach.
A. near
B. inside
C. within
D. beyond
[单项选择]He climbed up into the tree and picked all the apples()reach.
A. within
B. in
C. be of his
D. inside
[单项选择]During its growth, how much of the water from the soil does the tree give off into the air through its leaves

A. About ninety-nine percent.
B. About one percent.
C. About nine-tenths.
D. About one -ninth.
[单项选择]The expression "... barking up the wrong tree" (Par

A. A.2) probably means ______________. crying among the trees improperlyB. shouting at the wrong personC. having a wrong ideaD. saying something wrong by mistake


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