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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:19:27

[单项选择]In the Mesozoic period, the upward thrust of great rock masses created the Rocky Mountains and the Alps.
A. collision
B. angle
C. push
D. erosion

更多"In the Mesozoic period, the upward "的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the Mesozoic period, the upward thrust of great rock masses created the Rocky Mountains and the Alps.

A. collision
B. angle
C. push
D. erosion
[单项选择]According to the author, in a great period such as the Renaissance we may expect to find ______.

A. acceptance of truth
B. controversy over principles
C. inordinate enthusiasm
D. a dread of heterodox speculation
[单项选择]The concept of upward social mobility has been an abiding feature of American life.

A. enduring
B. unaffected
C. intriguing
D. observable
[单项选择]Which period lasted longest

A. Paleolithic
B. Ice Age
C. Mesolithic
D. Neolithic
[单项选择]The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to______ it open.
A cut B. press C. break D. shake
[单项选择]Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal ______ to our minds and emotions.
A. forcefully
B. greatly
C. strongly
D. powerfully
[单项选择]英译汉:“Issuing date;Valid period;warranty period”,正确的翻译为( )。
A. 签发日期;保质日期;有效期限
B. 签发日期;有效期限;保质期
C. 有效期限;签发日期;保质日期
D. 检验日期;签发日期;保持期
[单项选择]The Great Wall is a great tourist(), drawing millions of visitors from all parts of the world every year.
A. attention
B. appointment
C. attraction
D. interest
[单项选择]The great damage which the flood () made a great many people homeless.
A. brought to
B. brought about
C. brought up
D. brought out
[填空题]The preindustrial period of the development of cities in the United States
began with the establishment of the colonies in the late 1600’s and lasted until
about 1850. During this period, urban residents made up a small percent of (1) ______
the total population and cities were small on size. The leading cities were East (2) ______
Coast seaports. The importance of water transportation in the preindustrial
period is reflected in building of many canals to expand the area in which trade (3) ______
could be conducted. Water power was also the chief source. Most city
residents worked in commerce and trade, administration, service, the small-
scale hand production of goods. Mechanic production in the United Sates had (4) ______
its beginnings only in the 1820s, when the first textile mills were set up in
New England using the spinning and weaving machines that had been invented
somehow earlier in England. Most


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