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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:19:19


Text 3
The US dollar reached an all-time low against the euro yesterday for the fourth straight day, briefly pushing the European currency above $1.33 before recovering slightly, amid concerns about the twin US deficits and the lack of any central bank action to stop the dollar’s decline.
The dollar also dipped to a nearly five-year low against the yen, but later regained ground.
Yesterday, the euro rose to $1. 3329 in early trading before dipping back to $1. 3290 later in New York. The euro topped $1.32 for the first time the day before in European trading. US markets were closed Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The dollar also traded near its lowest levels since December 1999 against the Japanese yen yesterday, slipping to 102.56 yen, down from 102.81 late Wednesday in New York.
One reason the euro has kept rising is a lack of concerted action by central banks to support the dollar by selling holdings of the other major
A. the US trade and budget deficits.
B. the lack of any central bank action.
C. the speculation against the dollar.
D. the sales of other major currencies.

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Text 3
The US dollar reached an all-time low against the euro yesterday for the fourth straight day, briefly pushing the European currency above $1.33 before recovering slightly, amid concerns about the twin US deficits and the lack of any central bank action to stop the dollar’s decline.
The dollar also dipped to a nearly five-year low against the yen, but later regained ground.
Yesterday, the euro rose to $1. 3329 in early trading before dipping back to $1. 3290 later in New York. The euro topped $1.32 for the first time the day before in European trading. US markets were closed Thursday for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The dollar also traded near its lowest levels since December 1999 against the Japanese yen yesterday, slipping to 102.56 yen, down from 102.81 late Wednesday in New York.
One reason the euro has kept rising is a lack of concerted action by central banks to support the dollar by selling holdings of the other major
A. has reached its lowest level against euro yesterday.
B. was lower than euro in the past four continuous days.
C. is still staying in a worse position than the yen.
D. kept failing despite the central bank's adoption of active measures.

[单项选择]Yesterday the pound fell to a ______ low level against the dollar, according to this morning's news.
A. final
B. last
C. remote
D. record
[单项选择]According to the text, the main factor working against any immediate entry into Japanese market is ______.

A. the rapid development of the Japanese economy
B. tradition, culture, and a deeply rooted bureaucracy
C. the Japanese determination to keep up its surplus
D. the Japanese political intentions and their trade policies
[单项选择]The text tells us Londoners like ________.

A. to buy books of all kinds
B. to do reading of all kinds
C. to buy proper books
D. to read newspapers and magazines

Text 3
After decades of exile from US courts, the science of lie detection is gaining new acceptance. But the federal government wants to put a stop to it, and the US Supreme Court has now agreed to consider a request from the Department of Justice to bar the technology from military courts.
Uncertainties surround the science of lie detection, which uses a device called polygraph. In 1991, President George Bush banned lie detector evidence in military courts. But that ban has since been overturned by the US Court of Military Appeals, which ruled that it restricts defendants’ rights to present evidence of their innocence.
In the past two years, some federal courts have also ruled ’that polygraph evidence can be heard. This follows a decision by the Supreme Court in 1993 that gave federal judges more discretion to decide on the admissibility of evidence.
A polygraph consists of monitors for pulse rate, sweating and breathing rate.
A. Highly-educated college students can beat the polygraph
B. College students do not want to beat the polygraph
C. Polygraph is reliable
D. Polygraph failed to detect the lies of college students

[单项选择]The first forty years of life give us the text; the next thirty supply the ______.
A. abridgement
B. bibliography
C. commentary
D. epitaph
E. title
[单项选择]The text mainly (主要) tells us that ______.

A. Bob was till a child
B. the customers sometimes got angry
C. lonely people need other people
[单项选择]Some teenagers harbor a generalized resentment against society, which ______ them the rights and privileges of adults, although physically they are mature.
A. rejects
B. denies
C. deprives
D. restricts


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