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发布时间:2024-03-29 23:21:09

[单项选择]I hope you ______ all the materials I need for tile class before I come and teach here tomorrow.

A. prepare
B. have prepared
C. will prepare
D. will have prepared

更多"I hope you ______ all the materials"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I hope you ______ all the materials I need for the class before I come and teach here tomorrow.

A. prepare
B. have prepared
C. will prepare
D. will have prepared
[单项选择]Will you need all experienced salesman for your company at present

A. 目前您是否有经验为您旅馆设一名接待员
B. 您旅馆现在想找一名有经历的推销员吗
C. 不知贵公司目前是否需要一名有经验的推销员
D. 目前您旅馆是否需要一名有经验的推销员
[单项选择](), you need to give all you have and try your best.
A. Being a winner
B. To buy a winner
C. Be a winner
D. Having been a winner
[单项选择]You need to show all your ______ when you go for an interview for the job.

A. qualifications
B. certificates
C. diplomas
D. papers
[单项选择]As our product has all the features you need and is 10% cheaper than that of the German product, I strongly recommend it to you.
A. 我们决定购买德国产品,因为德国产品具有我们所需要的一切性能,比你们的产品便宜10%。
B. 我们有你们所需要的所有产品,性能良好,物美价廉,价格比德国产品便宜10%,建议试用。
C. 因为我们的产品具备你们所需要的各种特性,且比德国产品便宜10%,所以我极力向你们推荐。
D. 我们的产品特色鲜明,能满足所有需要,比德国的产品便宜10%,所以强烈建议您购买我们的产品。
[单项选择]They will ______ you everything you need once you start your scientific research.
A. supply
B. provide
C. take
D. offer
[单项选择]Which is the telephone number you need when you intend to book a double room at Ramada Inn

A. 1-800-667-8868 or (250) 374-4788.
B. 1-800-575-7322 or (250) 851-0111.
C. 1-800-726-3626 or (250) 374-1218.
D. 14100-663-2832 or (260) 374-0358.
[单项选择]I recommend that you all are diligent if you want to pass the exam.( )
A. I recommend
B. are
C. if
D. the exam
[单项选择]You need to your password before you can access your account online.

A. polish
B. verify
C. interpret
D. mobilize
[单项选择]— How many apples do you need
— I need
A. three ones
B. three
C. the three
[单项选择](I recommend) that you all (are) diligent (if) you want to pass (the exam).

A. I recommend
B. are
C. if
D. the exam


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