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发布时间:2024-03-28 22:37:42

[单项选择]Impressionism began with a small group of artists who wanted to ______.

A. use light colors
B. fight the government
C. become scientists
D. show their paintings

更多"Impressionism began with a small gr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Impressionism began with a small group of artists who wanted to ______.

A. use light colors
B. fight the government
C. become scientists
D. show their paintings
[单项选择]In the mid-1960's many artists began to working outdoors on a large scale, making the landscape rather than the studio their arena.
[单项选择]The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight and did nothing to help the drowning child.
A. pitiable
B. unreasonable
C. depressing
D. immoral
[单项选择]The Group of Seven, a clique of Canadian artists painting at the turn of the century, has been credited with arousing a widespread awareness of Canada's rugged landscape.

A. stimulating
B. prolonging
C. glorifying
D. encouraging
[单项选择]His parents began to ______ a small sum of money every month for his college education when he was still a little child.
A. put up
B. lay down
C. set aside
D. place apart
[单项选择]The scientists began to accumulate dat

A. A. collectB. handleC. analyzeD. investigate
[单项选择]Who were the first watercolor artists
A. Early cave dwellers.
B. Italian fresco artists.
C. Flemish masters.
D. Eighteenth-century English artists.
[单项选择]Creative artists and thinkers achieve communication by ______.

A. depending on shared conventions
B. fashioning their own conventions
C. adjusting their personal feelings
D. elaborating a common language
[单项选择]This organization brought Western artists together in the hope of making more of an impact on the art community ______ any of them could individually and to promote Western art by women.

A. rather than
B. rather
C. than
D. other than
[单项选择]The scientists began to accumulate data.
A. collect
B. handle
C. analyze
D. investigate
[单项选择]()and the lesson began.
A. He came in
B. Came in he
C. In he came
D. In came he


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