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发布时间:2024-03-29 04:14:54

[单项选择]This street is usually quiet, but it will get very busy _______Sunday mornings.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. during

更多"This street is usually quiet, but i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This street is usually quiet, but it will get very busy()Sunday mornings.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. during
[单项选择]Jenny usually does not get up very early, ______ she

[单项选择]Birds usually (have very) well-developed sense of (sight), and the optic lobes of (their brains) are (correspondingly) large.
[单项选择]It's usually quiet () Sunday mornings.
A. on
B. In
C. at
D. for
[单项选择]How long ()it usually take you to get to work
A. is   
B. does   
C. did   
D. will do
What do people usually do in order to get a table in this restaurant
[单项选择]Creative people are usually very determined and ______ overcoming obstacles in their life.

A. adhered to
B. thrived on
C. kept off
D. took to
[单项选择]Job fairs are usually very lively and informal, and you can roam (), surveying what is on offer and gathering literature on jobs you might not have considered in the everyday run of things.
A. at peace
B. at leisure
C. at rest
D. at speed
What time does the woman usually get home
A. (A) 1:00.
B. (B) 4:00.
C. (C) 6:00.
D. (D) 7:00.
[单项选择]Women usually tend to be very ______ about what they wear.

A. especial
B. special
C. peculiar
D. particular
[单项选择]My mother is a light sleeper and is usually very ______ to any sound even as inaudible as the humming of a mosquito.
A. acute
B. keen
C. alert
D. immune
[单项选择]Market research is usually very ______, involving thousands of people answering hundreds of questions.
A. detailed
B. details
C. detail
D. detailing
[单项选择]A light sleeper is usually very ______ to any sound even as inaudible as the humming of a mosquito.
A. acute
B. keen
C. alert
D. immune
[单项选择]In the low latitude area, it is usually very ______ all the year around.
A. warm
B. hot
C. cold
D. heat
[单项选择]Women do not usually get to the top in politics, but there have been a few notable _______.

A. exceptions
B. exclusion
C. modifications
D. substitutions
[单项选择]The house was very quiet, ______ as it was on the side of a mountain.
A. isolated
B. isolating
C. being isolated
D. having been isolated


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