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发布时间:2024-03-28 20:53:21

[单项选择]Sometimes it is necessary to be careful _______ the right date to sit for a test.
A. when choosing
B. when you will choose
C. when you have chosen
D. when you chose

更多"Sometimes it is necessary to be car"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The worst thing is that sometimes husbands live the ______ that they can do anything even when they have been repeatedly proved wrong.

A. delusion
B. illusion
C. misconception
D. deception
[单项选择]After careful investigation we find that one of the statements ______ to be untrue.
A. is turned out
B. have been turned out
C. has turned out
D. have turned out
[单项选择]Careful testing is {{U}}necessary{{/U}} before any more experiments can continue with the exploring submarine.
A. needful
B. in need of
C. necessity
D. of necessity
[单项选择]Structural changes are also necessary to ______ the benefits of educational expansion.
A. furnish
B. accommodate
C. afford
D. decorate
[单项选择]Criticism and self-criticism are necessary______they help us to find and correct our mistakes.
A. by that
B. at that
C. on that
D. in that
[单项选择]Sometimes ocean currents(call) ______“rivers in the sea”.
[单项选择]Evening dress necessary
[单项选择]Why should governments ensure tire careful handling and recycling of the CFCs now in use

[单项选择]Careful questioning of the suspect will eventually ______ the truth.

A. bring up
B. bring down
C. bring forward
D. bring out
[单项选择]Finally, careful prioritization is no alternative to the adequate ______ of the science base.
A. funding
B. including
C. excluding
D. expending
[单项选择]Reasons for careful teaching range from preventing a child ______ to keeping a child occupied.

A. sinking behind
B. falling behind
C. drawing behind
D. crawling behind
[单项选择]  Amanda is careful about anything that touches her lips. She (16) instructions on every food pack and does all she can to (17) "forbidden" foods. She (18) everyone about the things being used in cooking. Before a trip to Australia, she phoned every airline (19) she found one (20) to ban (禁止) nuts from the (21) . Going too far Not when you have food allergies (过敏症) that can put your (22) in danger.“I’11 waiters that even the (23) amount of peanuts could kill me," says Amanda. With (24) allergies topeanuts and shellfish, Amanda has to play by the rules. (25) , she still gets in trouble. A few years ago, she went to a New Year’s Eve party (26) there were bowls of peanuts on the tables. They were (27) when she arrived, but still she kept her (28) in a side room. At midnight, as people came in to wish her happy new year, she (29) to feel short of breath and was dying for (30) . "I took some anti-allergy medicine, then left," says Amanda. " (31) home I was struggling to (32) and my head beg
A. doctors
B. her parents
C. the clerks
D. friends


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