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发布时间:2023-10-08 19:49:20

[单项选择]The three rows at the front are ____ for guests.
A. conserved
B. deposited
C. reserved
D. stored

更多"The three rows at the front are ___"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three
A. Eight-year-olds.
B. Twelve-year-olds.
C. Seventeen-year-olds.
D. Adults.
[单项选择]Passage Three The three biggest lies in America are: (1) “The check is in the mail”, (2) “Of course I’ll respect you in the morning”, and (3) “It was a computer error.” Of these three little white lies, the worst is the third. It’s the only one that can never be true. Today, if a bank statement cheats you out of $ 900 that way, you know what the clerk is sure to say,” It was a computer error.” Nonsense. The computer is reporting nothing more than what the clerk typed into it. The most annoying case of all is when the computerized cashier in the grocery store shows that an item costs more than it actually does. If the innocent buyer points out the mistake, the checker, bagger, and manager all come together and offer the familiar explanation: “It was a compute error.” It wasn’t, of course that computerized cashier is really nothing more than an electric event. The eye reads the Universal Product Code—chat bar of black and white lines in a corner of the package
A. says nonsense
B. cheats customers
C. cannot make the error
D. does not admit its error
[单项选择]Monoculture forests planted in rows turned out to be extremely ______ to disease and to suffer from a gradual depletion of nutrients.
A. likely
B. prone
C. apt
D. liable
[单项选择]Passage Three
For many people, economic growth and an increase in possessions are signs of progress, but for anti-consumer groups overconsumption and materialism are sicknesses. A recent Public Broadcasting Service coined the term affluenza, which describes consumption of material goods in a strongly negative way.
Af-flu-en-za (noun) combines two words: affluence and fluenza. According to anti-consumer and environmental fights organizations, the high consumption life stiles of affluence cause people to be less happy even though they are acquiring more "things". The major negative effect on the environment is that overconsumption is depleting the world’s natural resources, anti-consumer groups argue. Furthermore, the groups observe that an artificial. Ongoing and insatiable quest for things and th
A. combines two words together
B. is often made by putting words or parts of words together
C. is made in the way coins are produced
D. gives an old word a new meaning
[单项选择]Passage Three
Seniors and the City
Tens of thousands of retirees are pulling up stakes in suburban areas and fashioning their own retirement communities in the heart of the bustling city. They are looking for what most older people want: a home with no stairs and low crime rates. And they are willing to exchange regular weekly golf time for rich cultural offerings, young neighbors and plenty of good restaurants. Spying and opportunity, major real-estate developers have broken ground on urban sites they intended to market to suburban retirees. These seniors are already changing the face of big cities. One developer, Fran McCarthy asks: "Who ever thought that suburban flight would be round trip"
The trickle of older folks returning to the city has grown into a steady stream. While some cities, especially those wit
A. the real-estate developers have broken their original contracts of construction with senior retirees
B. a life in the downtown city is expensive, and most of those retirees who moved back into the city are very well-off
C. with more older people living in the city, the city will become gray and less beautiful
D. very soon the American suburban areas will face their low population crisis


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