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发布时间:2023-10-28 03:10:15

[单项选择]( )you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it( )
A. After
B. Although
C. As soon as
D. Now that

更多"( )you've got a chance, you might a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]( ) you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.
A. Now that
B. After
C. In that
D. As soon as
[单项选择]Manager: What have you got Assistant: We’ve got the files up to 2010, but all those after 2010 have not been found. Manager: ______ It won’t take long to sort the rest out.
A. That’s a relief!
B. Bad news!
C. Who knows
D. Let it go.
[单项选择]"Have you got some red eggs" "No, but I've got ( ) ."
A. any white ones
B. some white ones
C. some white one
D. any white one
[单项选择]Salesgirl: Can I help you We’ve got some new shirts here. Customer: OK, thanks. _________
A. Mind your own business.
B. We are just looking.
C. Take care of yourself.
D. We will need you later.
[单项选择]You've got to get up every morning with determination if you are going to go to bed with ( )
A. pride
B. glory
C. hope
D. satisfaction

So you’ve got an invention — you and around 39,000 others each year, according to 2002 statistics!
The 64,000-dollar question, if you have come up with a device which you believe to be the answer to the energy crisis or you’ve invented a lawnmower which cuts grass with a jet of water (not so daft, someone has invented one), is how to ensure you’re the one to reap the rewards of your ingenuity. How will all you garden shed boffins out there keep others from capitalizing on your ideas and lining their pockets at your expense
One of the first steps to protect your interest is to patent your invention. That can keep it out of the grasp of the pirates for at least the next 20 years. And for this reason inventors in their droves beat a constant trail from all over the country to the doors of an anonymous grey-fronted building just behind London’s Holborn to try and patent their devices.
The building houses the Patent Office. It&rsqu
A. keep their ideas from being stolen
B. reap the rewards of somebody else’s ingenuity
C. visit the patent office building
D. come up with more new devices

[单项选择]Passage Two You’ve just got a new computer and you are delighted with it. It is doing everything you want it to do. But what are you going to do with your old computer In the past consumers often paid high prices for their computers, but how much do you think these computers are worth now Few people want to buy a computer which has become out-of-date or has been replaced by a newer mode. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do with a computer which you have had for five or six years is to throw it away with your other garbage What do many people do when they try to sell their old computers Foolishly, they take into account its original cost and then reduce the price according to the age of the computer rather like a second-hand car. They forget that new computers are becoming cheaper every day, making old computers almost worthless. In 1985, for example, a good computer cost over $4,000. Then years later its owner would be lucky to get $ 400. One well-know
A. Fashionable
B. No longer fashionable
C. Second hand
D. Worthless
[单项选择]Why do you want a new job ______ you've got such a good one already
A. that
B. where
C. which
D. when
[单项选择]If you've got a complaint, the best thing is to see the person concerned and ______ with him.
A. tell it
B. have it out
C. say it
D. have it known
[单项选择]You've only got a slight cold. You'll ______ it in a day or two.
A. get at
B. get into
C. get in
D. get over


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