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发布时间:2024-03-29 03:16:28

[单项选择]I had just______ my own business so that, I couldn't travel every week.
A. earned
B. gave
C. held
D. opened

更多"I had just______ my own business so"的相关试题:


A.had to
B.very had
D.had farmers

Factory workers (had to) work (very hard) before, (so)(had farmers)
[单项选择]I had never seen so many people with so many disabilities. I returned home, silently (). thinking how fortunate we really were.
A. retrospective
B. introspective
C. perspective
D. prospective
[单项选择]If it had not rained so hard yesterday, we _____to Tianjin.
A. should have gone B. should go C. go D. went
[单项选择]Tom, one of my students, had his term paper()as soon as he finished()it.
A. to be typed, to write
B. being typed, writing
C. typed, to write
D. typed, writing
[单项选择]My car ______ so I had to come by bus.
A. fell down
B. broke down
C. fell over
D. turned away
[单项选择]He had never given a speech for so many people, so he felt ______.
A. excited
B. stupid
C. disappointed
D. nervous
[单项选择]She had changed so much that I could hardly ( ) her.
A. differ
B. find out
C. explain
D. recognize
[单项选择]By saying that "humans have never had it so good" (Linel, Para. 2), the author means that people nowadays ______.

A. enjoy a much better life than before
B. has reached the peak of civilization
C. are more powerful in changing the earth
D. live in a world with more advanced medical science
[单项选择]She had changed so much that I could hardly () her.
A. differ
B. find out
C. explain
D. recognize
[单项选择]The car had a ( ) tyre , so we had to change the wheel.
A. broken
B. cracked
C. bent
D. flat
[单项选择]Jones had audaciously slapped my face, and that I had been obliged to ______ against him by knocking him down.
A. revenge
B. avenge
C. reward
D. retaliate
[单项选择]She had changed so much that I could hardly ______her.
A. differ
B. find out
C. explain
D. recognize
[单项选择]I had to raise my voice to make myself heard over the noise.
A. change
B. increase
C. lower
D. rise
[单项选择]Her skirt had been so ______ in packing that she had to iron it before going out.
A. faded
B. tom
C. dirty
D. crushed
[单项选择]—I have just had my watch repaired.
—How much did they( )you for that
A. cost
B. Charge
C. spend
D. take
[单项选择]Nick had an unusually clever mind, so his success had been ______ and never in doubt.


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