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发布时间:2023-12-05 18:49:16

[单项选择]34,定义如下枚举类型:enum Numberone=1,two=2,four=4,eight=8,则下列语句正确的是( )。
A. Numbernum=1;
B. Numbernum=Number(20);
C. Numbernum=Number(eightl0xFF);
D. 枚举类型Number的取值范围是0~15

更多"34,定义如下枚举类型:enum Numberone=1,two=2,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]定义如下枚举类型:enum Numberone=1,two=2,four=4,eight=8),则下列语句正确的是( )。
A. Number num=1;
B. Numbernum=Number(20);
C. Number num=Number(eight│OxFF);
D. 枚举类型Number的取值范围是0~15
[单项选择]定义如下枚举类型; enum Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thrusday, Friday=2;则下列语句正确的是
A. 表达式 Wednesday == Friday 的值是 true
B. Day day; day=3;
C. Day day; day = Monday + 3;
D. Day day; day = Tuesday + 10;
[单项选择]定义如下枚举类型:enum Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thrusday, Friday=2;,则下列语句正确的是( )。
A. 表达式Wednesday==Friday的值是true
B. Day day;day=3
C. Day day;day=Monday+3
D. Day day;day=Tuesday+10
[单项选择]定义如下枚举类型:enum Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thrusday,Friday=2;,则下列语句正确的是( )。
A. 表达式Wednesday==Friday的值是true
B. Dayday;day=3
C. Day day;day=Monday+3
D. Day day;day=Tuesday+10
A. 表达式Wednesday==Friday的值是true
B. Day day;day=3;
C. Day day;day=Monday+3;
D. Day day;day=Tuesday+10;
[单项选择]定义如下枚举类型:enumMonday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thmsday,Friday=2);则下列语句正确的是( )。
A. 表达式Wednesday==Friday的值是true
B. Day day; day=3;
C. Day day; day=Monday+3;
D. Day day; day=Tuesday+10;
[单项选择]Passage Four Two equally brilliant scientists apply for a prestigious research fellowship awarded by a top scientific organization.One is white,the other black.Does the color of their skin matter Most scientists will already be screaming a resounding “no”. Those who progress in science do so because of their work, not their pigmentation. Science is meritocratic and objective. It must therefore be rigorously color-blind and shun both racial discrimination and affirmative action. Well,let’s think about this.If science really is so meritocratic,where are all the black Nobel prizewinners and fellows of the Royal SocietyThe black chairs of government scientific panelsThe black Richard Dawkinses and Susan GreenfieldsWhen Newsweek magazine recently surveyed Europe’s largest 100 copanies,it was shocked to unrearth only six board members of non-European racial origin. One shudders to thinks what a similar survey of upper echelons of European science would reveal. Even th
A. it is color-blind
B. it is racially discriminative
C. it awards wrong research workers
D. it is practiced by the white exclusively
则下列叙述中错误的是( )。
A. 枚举常量NAME的值为1
B. 枚举常量NUMBER的值为1
C. 枚举常量MINUS的值为6
D. 枚举常量PRINT的值为10
则下列叙述中错误的是( )。
A. 枚举常量NAME的值为1
B. 枚举常量NUMBER的值为1
C. 枚举常量MINUS的值为6
D. 枚举常量PRINT的值为10
[单项选择]The boy has four appels: two yellow( ) and two red
A. one; one
B. one; ones
C. ones; other
D. ones; ones
[填空题]下面的类中定义了一个枚举类型,请完成下面的程序。 class Base { public: enum Week {Sum, Mon,Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat}; Week a; } void fun(Base &B) { 【12】 = 【13】 ; //将对象的a赋值为所定义的枚举类型值为的枚举量 }
[单项选择]Passage Four We lost two superstars in 1977. Neither man’s admirers have been able to understand the success of the other one. And this tells us something of the difference between the generations that the two singers represent. There were similarities between Bing Crosby and Elvis Presley. Both reached fame while young and became very rich. Although neither one had any musical education, both developed their own musical styles, which were first criticized by the critics and later studied as new forms in the art of popular song. Both men had successful movie careers despite a total lack of acting ability. Both were creations of the microphone, which made it possible for singers with weak voices to be heard beyond the third now. With Bing the microphone was usually hidden; but Elvis brought it to the stage. The difference between the two men reflects the changing values in American life Crosby’s music was soothing( 令人舒畅的) , Presley’s was disturbing. Crosby was singin
A. Their songs were widely used in movies
B. They became famous in late year of their lives
C. Their musical styles are recognized by the critics
D. Neither of them received any formal musical education


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