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发布时间:2023-11-21 19:46:26

[单项选择]I'm ______ where I'm now.
A. content to remain
B. contented with
C. contenting with
D. contented to

更多"I'm ______ where I'm now."的相关试题:


W: Where have you been.
M: Where have I been I was wondering the same thing about you.

What does the man want to know( ).
A. He won’t tell the woman where he has been.
B. He wants to know where the woman has been.
C. He is asking the woman whether she saw the thing he’s looking for.

M:Could you tell me where I can find a public phone
W:You can find one in the big store across the street.

Where can the man find a public phone ()
A. In a post office.
B. In a bank.
C. In a big store.
D. In a hotel.

M: Where is that book about cars I laid it down on the table.
W: I don’t know. I did some cleaning and don’t remember where I put it.

What is the man looking for()
A. A car.
B. A cow.
C. A book.
D. A tabl

M: I'm thinking about where to go for a bite tonight. Any suggestions, Barbara ?
W: Well, how about the French restaurant near the KFC ?Frankly, I've had enough of our canteen food.
Q: What do we learn about the woman ?()

A. She is tired of the food in the canteen.
B. She often eats in a French restaurant.
C. She usually takes a snack in the KFC.
D. She in very fussy about what she eats.

M: Hello, Angel. Sorry I’m late.
W: Where were you, Bob7 I was beginning to worry.
M: I was on my way here, and I saw a crowd of people. They were standing around a tall fellow and they had pens and notebooks. Someone explained to me that they were getting his autographs, so I handed him my notebook and pen and I got one too.
W: One what
M: An autograph. Look!
W: Can I see that Wayne Gretzky. You got Gretzky’s autograph!
M: Wayne Gretzky
W: He is the best hockey player in the world, Bob.
M: Is that true
W: A lot of hockey fans think so.
M: What else do you know Let’s go, and we can still catch the game.

Why is Bob late( ).
A. Because he was caught in a traffic jam.
B. Because his pens and notebooks were taken away by a crowd of people.
C. Because he joined a crowd of people to get an autograph.

M: Hello, where are you from
W: Oh, I’m American.
M: Really Which part do you come from
W: Well, I live in New York, but I was born in California.
M: Oh, can you speak Chinese
W: A little.
M: Where did you learn it
W: At school.
M: Can you speak any other languages
W: I’m afraid not.

What nationality is the woman ( )
A. She is American.
B. She is English .
C. She is French.
[简答题]Part 2Describe a place where it is noisy. Where is this place Why it is so noisy How do you feel about this place

M: Excuse me, where could I find rice
W: The regular-priced is here, and we have some on sale over there.

Where does this conversation probably take place()
A. In a supermarket.
B. In a library.
C. In a furniture store.
D. In a restaurant.
[简答题]Part 1Hometown 1. Where are you from 2. Where is your hometown 3. Tell me about your hometown. 4. What’s your favorite thing or place in your hometown 5. What is famous about your hometown 6. Tell me about some scenic spots in your hometown. 7. What are the main places of interest in your hometown What places should foreigners visit in 8. Do you like your hometown Why or why not 9. What is the difference between your hometown and Beijing 10. What are the people like in your hometown 11. If you could change one thing about your hometown, what would it be 12. What attractive pieces of architecture are there in your hometown 13. Is your hometown a good place for young people to live
[填空题]I decide to leave the company next month where I(work)()for exactly three years.

[听力原文] M: Excuse me, where can I change some US dollars W: Please go to Window 7.

Where does the conversation most probably take place ()
A. At a bank.
B. At a book store.
C. In an office.
D. In a restaurant.

W: Do you know where Tom is
M: Sorry, I don’t know.
W: Oh, my God!
M: What’s the matter
W: He is supposed to be at the meeting a quarter later. But I can’t find him anywhere.
M: Oh, I remember something. John told me that Tom went out for lunch at ... er ... about a quarter to two and would not be back unitl 3:30.
W: Then he will be late for the meeting.
M: What’s the time now
W: 3:00.

When did the dialog take place ( )
A. At 2:45.
B. At 3:00.
C. At 3:15.


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