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发布时间:2023-09-28 19:59:33

[单项选择]From the diachronic point of view, when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning. The first meaning is called ______.
A. primary meaning
B. derived meaning
C. central meaning
D. basic meaning

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When word got out that Doug Beardsley was introducing a new course this spring—" Hockey (冰球) Literature and the Canadian Psyche(精神) "—the 40 seats in the class were quickly taken. ESPN offered to fly him to New York for a TV chat show, and e-mail arrived from hockey fans and researchers from as far away as Texas and China.
"They think they can learn something about us as a nation by learning about the game, about Canadian people. They’re right. " says Beardsley.
Students in Beardsley’s class completed three research papers related to hockey. The reading list included famous works like The Divine Ryans by Wayne Johnston, The Good Body by Bill Gas ton and Les Canadiells by Rick Salutin. They are the kind of books that get at the true meaning of being Canadian.
In Beardsley’s words, hockey shows the very nature of the polite Canadian. "I think that a long with this peace-
A. To teach how to play hockey.
B. To introduce an English teacher.
C. To introduce a book by Beardsley.
D. To talk about hockey and the Canadians.



When word got out that Doug Beardsley was introducing a new course this spring—" Hockey (冰球) Literature and the Canadian Psyche(精神) "—the 40 seats in the class were quickly taken. ESPN offered to fly him to New York for a TV chat show, and e-mail arrived from hockey fans and researchers from as far away as Texas and China.
"They think they can learn something about us as a nation by learning about the game, about Canadian people. They’re right. " says Beardsley.
Students in Beardsley’s class completed three research papers related to hockey. The reading list included famous works like The Divine Ryans by Wayne Johnston, The Good Body by Bill Gas ton and Les Canadiells by Rick Salutin. They are the kind of books that get at the true meaning of being Canadian.
In Beardsley’s words, hockey shows the very nature of the polite Canadian. "I thin
A. To teach how to play hockey.
B. To introduce an English teacher.
C. To introduce a book by Beardsley.
D. To talk about hockey and the Canadians.

[单项选择]From a synchronic point of view, the word "wife" experienced the semantic change of ()
A. extension
B. narrowing
C. elevation
D. degradation
[简答题]The popular view when discussing urban transportation in American cities today is to decry its sorry state. Newspapers and journals are filled with talk of an "urban transportation crisis," of the "difficulties of getting from here to there," and so on at great length. Matters are reported to be getting worse—and very quickly. Everyone has his own favorite traumatic experience to report: of the occasion when many of the switches froze on New York’s commuter railroads; of the sneak snowstorm in Boston that converted thirty-minute commuter trips into seven hour ordeals; of the extreme difficulties in Chicago and other Midwestern cities when some particularly heavy and successive snowstorms were endured.
One reason for the talk of an urban transportation crisis in the United States today perhaps lies in a failure to meet anticipations. Many commuters expected to reduce their commuting times as systems improved, but instead found themselves barely able to maintain the status quo in
[单项选择]Personality comes from the Latin word "persona" which means "mask". Thus, it can be said that personality is a ’ mask’ a person wears to face the world. No two persons are identical in terms of personality. A person’s tastes and ideas add to the colors of his or her personality. Effectively, personality is the outward reflection of a person’s inner self. If John is a person who likes to give to the less fortunate, people will remember him as a kind person. In a sense, personality is the colors of a person.
In the normal walk of life, we come across people who are more popular than others. Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity. A person with a bright personality is usually more popular than a person with a dull personality, right Beautiful people are usually more popular than ugly people, right Actually, it’s hard to pinpoint (确定) what kind of personality is popular and what is unpopular.
A. we have to face the world with masks
B. personality can be shown through one’s actions
C. people’s personalities are all fixed through their life
D. people’s personalities are totally different from each other

(71)The term hospital derives from the Latin word hospitalis, which relates to guests and their treatment. (72) The word reflects the early use of these institutions not merely as places of healing but as safe rooms for the poor or for weary travelers. Hospitals first appeared in Greece as aesculapia, named after the Greek god of medicine, Aesculapius. For many centuries they developed in association with religious institutions, such as the Hindu hospitals opened in Sri Lanka in the 5th century BC and the monastery-based European hospitals of the Middle Ages (5th century to 15th century) (73)The first hospital established in the United States was Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia, which was open in 1751 with the support of Benjamin Franklin. (74)Although other U.S. hospitals were created in the 1700s, most people were treated for their illnesses by neighbors and friends in their homes well into the 1800s. Hospitals changed greatly after the Civil

[填空题]Move one letter from the first word and add it to the second word to make two new words. Example: hunt sip hut snip mouth food
[单项选择]______ is evolved from Realism when the author's tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic.
A. Romanticism
B. Modernism
C. Naturalism
D. Scientism
[单项选择]When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ______ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.
A. small
B. meaningful
C. vocal
D. large


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