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发布时间:2023-10-04 16:47:28

[单项选择]Medical experts have suspected for many years that there is a strong link between what a person eats and cancer. They say a new study provides the first evidence that vitamins could reduce a person' s chance of developing cancer. A team of Chinese and American scientists did the study. They are from American National Cancer Institute and the Cancer Institute of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences in Beijing. The Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of the study.
There are more Chinese scientists than Americans in the team.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

更多"Medical experts have suspected for "的相关试题:

[简答题]  For years, many Asian-Americans have been convinced that it’s harder for them to gain admission to the nation’s top colleges. Studies show that Asian-Americans meet these colleges’ admissions standards far out of proportion to their 6 percent representation in the U.S. population, and that they often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Critics say these numbers, along with the fact that some top colleges with race-blind admissions have double the Asian percentage of Ivy League schools, prove the existence of discrimination.   The way it works, the critics believe, is that Asian-Americans are evaluated not as individuals, but against the thousands of other ultra-achieving Asians who are stereotyped as boring academic robots.   Of course, not all Asian-Americans fit this stereotype. They are not always obedient hard workers who get top marks. Their economic status, ancestral countries and customs
[单项选择]In recent years many countries of the world have been faced with the problem of how to make their workers more productive. Some experts claim the answer is to make jobs more varied. But do more varied jobs lead to greater productivity The evidence shows that while variety certainly makes the worker’’ s life more enjoyable, it does not actually make him work harder. As far as increasing productivity is concerned, then, variety is not an important factor. Other experts feel that giving the worker freedom to do his job in his own way is important. There is no doubt that this is true. The problem is that this kind of freedom cannot easily be given in the modern factory with its complicated machinery which must be used in a fixed way. Thus, although freedom of choice may be important, usually very little can be done to create it. Another important consideration is how much a worker contributes to the product he is making. In most factories the worker sees only one small part of th
A. offer greater productivity
B. drive workers to work harder
C. make workers more productive
D. make worker’s life more enjoyable, but do not make them more hardworking
[单项选择]For many years the Japanese have () the car market.
A. presided
B. occupied
C. operated
D. dominated
[单项选择]Passage Four Public health experts have long been skeptical about the beneficial effect of pets on the health of their owners. After all, dogs bite and pass on parasites, and pigeons and parrots cause lung disease. However, in 1991, researchers at the University of Cambridge in Britain discovered that a short time after acquiring a cat or a dog, some people suffer less from health problems such as headache, backache and flu. It was also announced recently that Australians who keep pets tend to have less cholesterol in their blood than non-pet owners with comparable lifestyles, making them less likely to develop heart disease. For the time being, the findings are little more than puzzling correlations. Why should owning a pet make you less likely to suffer from backache Why should it reduce your cholesterol level Many researchers suspect that answers will be found in the subtle links between mental and physical well-being. If the newly discovered correlations between human hea
A. animals make good pets
B. pets help spread diseases
C. pets have good effects on their owners’ health
D. happy pets rarely suffer from heart disease
[单项选择]Nearly two thousand years have passed since a census decreed by Caesar Augustus became part of the greatest story ever told. Many things have changed in the intervening years. The hotel industry worries more about overbuilding than overcrowding, and if they had to meet an unexpected influx, few inns would have a manager to accommodate the weary guests. Now it is the census taker that does the traveling in the fond hope that a highly mobile population will stay put long enough to get a good sampling.
Methods of gathering, recording, and evaluating information have probably been improved a great deal. ①And where then it was the modest purpose of Rome to obtain a simple head count as an adequate basis for levying taxes, now batteries of complicated statistical series furnished by governmental agencies and private organizations are eagerly scanned and interpreted by sages and prophets to get a clue to future events.
The Bible does not tell us how the Roman census take
A. a journal of biblical studies
B. an introductory college textbook on statistics
C. the annual report of the American Statistical Association
D. a newspaper review of a recent professional festivity
[单项选择]Only in recent years have people begun to realize the importance of wildlife protection.
A. 直到近年来人们才越来越意识到保护野生动物的重要性。
B. 只是在最近几年里人们才开始发现并保护了很多重要的野生动物。
C. 直到近年来人们才开始意识到保护野生环境的紧迫性。
D. 直到近年来人们才开始了解保护野生动物的重要性。
[单项选择]Computers have many uses today. Computers can solve difficult (56) and control complex machines. Many people use small computers (57) calculators to add, subtract, multiply, and divide (58) quickly. Scientists use large computers to solve many problems at the same (59) . You can play (60) with computers, and some computers can help you (61) languages. The Kurzweil Reading Machine is a special (62) of computer. It can read books for blind people
The Kurzweil machine consists (63) three parts: a scanner, a computer, and a voice synthesizer (合成器). These (64) parts are like your eyes, your brain, (65) your voice. The scanner is (66) "eye" of the machine. It scans or looks at the words on the page of a book and (67) them into digital signals. These digital signals then (68) to the computer, the "brain" of the machine. The computer analyzes the (69) and recognizes the words. The computer (70) <
A. book
B. page
C. copy
D. message


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