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发布时间:2024-03-29 06:11:36

{{B}} Ways to Take It to the Next Level{{/B}}
No matter what you’re doing, there comes a time when you are going to want to take things up a notch. Maybe it’s your career -- even if things are going along fine right now, ultimately you’d like to get a promotion, increase your client base, or reach a larger audience. Or maybe it’s a hobby that you think you’d like to turn into a career.
Getting started with anything can be a struggle, but once you reach a certain level of success, it can be hard to figure out how to make whatever it is you do truly remarkable. The things we do have a way of developing their own inertia, and if we’re not careful, we get carried along in the routine without ever realizing the full potential of what we and our lives can be.
How can you shake things up a bit What do you have to do to take your project, your career, your product, or your life to the next lev


A. C5转化酶
B. 膜攻击复合体
C. 阻断C3转化酶的形成
D. 干扰C9与C8的结合
E. 过敏毒素
A.维生素B1 B.维生素B2
C.维生素B6 D.维生素A

[单项选择]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}

{{B}}Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}

A. The weather will be fine.
B. Rain will probably come.
C. There will be a fog.
D. Fine weather will continue.
[单项选择]{{B}}Section B Conversations{{/B}}

{{B}}Passage 1{{/B}}

A. Pollution in the air.
B. A lack of parking.
C. Accidents with bicycles.
D. A lack of bridges.
[填空题]{{B}}Section B{{/B}}
{{B}}Passage One{{/B}}
Looking for a new weight loss plan Try living on top of a mountain. Mountain air contains less oxygen than air at lower altitudes, so breathing it causes the heart to beat faster and the body to burn more energy. A handful of studies have found that athletes training at high altitudes tend to lose weight. Doctor Florian Lippl of the University Hospital of Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich wondered how the mountain air would affect overweight individuals if they weren’t doing any more physical activity than usual.
Lippl and his colleagues invited 20 overweight men to an environmental research station about 300 meters below the summit of Zugspitze, a mountain around 2,970 meters near the Austrian border. They were allowed to eat as much as they liked. The men also gave blood so that researchers
A. A.one’s bodyweight
B.one’s blood pressure
C.one’s way of living
D.one’s metabolic rate



A. 加
B. 减
C. 与
D. 或


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