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发布时间:2024-03-29 00:13:45

[填空题]The flowers (wash)()by my grandma this morning.

更多"The flowers (wash)()by my grandma t"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The illness from which my grandma is suffering has now been( )as diabetes.
A. deduced
B. determined
C. diagnosed
D. discovered
[单项选择]When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ( ) up, her voice had been full of life.
A. were hanging
B. had hung
C. hung
D. would hang
[单项选择]—According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.
— (), scientists agree with her
A. Sooner or later
B. Once in a while
C. To be exact
D. Believe it or not

—According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.
— ( ), scientists agree with her.

A. Sooner or later
B. Once in a while
C. To be exact
D. Believe it or not
[单项选择]I'll consider ______ my grandma tomorrow morning, but I'm not sure if she is at home at that time.
A. visiting
B. visit
C. visited
D. to visit
[单项选择]On weekends my grandma usually ______ a glass of wine.

A. subscribes to
B. engages in
C. hangs on
D. indulges in
[单项选择]My grandma has kept her _________refrigerator for thirty years.

A. first large grey American
B. first grey large American
C. first American grey large
D. large grey American first
[简答题]Flowers   Do you like flowers   Do flowers have special meaning in your culture   On what occasions do people in China give flowers to other people   When was the last time you gave flowers to someone   Do Chinese people ever grow flowers at home
[单项选择]A. Bill.
B. Bill’s grandma.
C. Susan’s grandma.
[简答题]Part 1Flowers Do you like flowers Which kind of flowers do you like best Do people in your country like sending flowers Do you often send flowers Are they important to you Do you prefer plastic flowers or the real ones Would you like to keep flowers in your home or plant them in the open air
[单项选择]Why is Grandma a "fickle metaphor"

A. It makes people think of kindness, frailty, old fashion, etc.
B. The word has different associations for different people.
C. The word brings a sense of security to children.
D. The word means an impediment to real researc


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