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发布时间:2023-10-20 20:05:03

[单项选择]The nurse is preparing the client with a cerebrovascular accident for discharge to home. The nurse should recognize which of the following factors would most likely influence the client’s continuing progress in rehabilitation at home
A. The family’s ability to provide support to the client.
B. The client’s ability to ambulate.
C. The availability of a home health aide to care for the client.
D. The frequency of follow-up visits with the physician.

更多"The nurse is preparing the client w"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The nurse is preparing the client with heart failure to go home. Which of the following should be most important to include in the discharge education
A. Monitor urine output daily.
B. Monitor daily potassium intake.
C. Maintain bed rest for at least 1 week.
D. Weigh daily.
[单项选择]When preparing a client for a scheduled colonoscopy, which of the following nursing interventions would the nurse include
A. Inserting a nasogastric tube 12 hours before the procedure.
B. Cleansing the bowel with laxatives or enemas.
C. Administering an antibiotic to decrease the risk of infection.
D. Spraying a local anesthetic into the client’s throat to calm the gag reflex.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing an elderly client to get out of bed on the first postoperative day after a total hip replacement. Which of the following activities would be most helpful to the client
A. Demonstrate the use of a walker with partial weight bearing.
B. Explain to the client that she will be lifted out of bed to a chair.
C. Reassure the client that she will be assisted to walk to the hall.
D. Demonstrate the swing-through crutch-walking gait with limited weight hearin
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing to care for a client diagnosed with catatonic schizophreni
A. a. In anticipation of this client’s arrival, what should the nurse do Notify security.B. Prepare a magnesium sulfate drip.C. Place a specialty mattress overlay on the bed.D. Communicate the client’s nothing-by-mouth status to the dietary department.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing to give a 9-year-old client a preoperative IM injection. Which size needle should the nurse use
A. 22G,
B. 22G, 1".
C. 20G,
D. 20G, 1".
[单项选择]The overweight adolescent client tells the nurse that he would like to lose weight and asks the nurse’s opinion on how to accomplish his goal. Which of the following suggestions would be most appropriate
A. Exercising more often.
B. Severely limiting calorie intake.
C. Participating in an adolescent weight-reduction program.
D. Cutting clown on sweets and other snacks.
[单项选择]The nurse preparing to give a child an intramuscular injection chooses to give the injection into the gluteal muscle. The site is acceptable because which of the following reasons
A. The child has been walking for 1 year.
B. The child has small deltoid muscles.
C. The child is older than 2 years.
D. The child weighs more than 25 pounds.
[单项选择]During a conversation with the client, the nurse observes the client shaking his leg and tapping his fingers on the table next to him. The nurse’s best statement is.
A. "I’ll get you something to help you feel less anxious. "
B. "I know that you feel anxious. Let’s discuss something more pleasant. "
C. "I see that you’re anxious. I’ll be back later when you’re calmer. "
D. "I noticed that your leg is shaking and you’re tapping your fingers on the table. How are you feeling now"
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing to remove a previously applied topical medication from a client. The rationale for removing previously applied topical medications before applying new medications is to
A. decrease the possibility of absorption on the nurse’s skin.
B. allow distribution of medication.
C. prevent soiling of the client’s clothes.
D. avoid administering more than the prescribed dos
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing a treatment plan for a client taking oral corticosteroids to control severe chronic asthm
A. a. Which statement indicates that the client understands his treatment plan "I should take corticosteroids on an empty stomach. "B. "I need to take corticosteroids to help build up my immune system. "C. "I should stop taking corticosteroids if I haven’t had an asthma attack for 1 week. "D. "I’ll tell my other health care providers that I’m taking a corticosteroid. "
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing to discharge a child who has rheumatic fever. Which of the following medications is prescribed to prevent recurrence of rheumatic fever
A. Glucocorticoids.
B. Digoxin.
C. Antibiotics.
D. Anti-inflammatory medications.
[单项选择]At an outpatient clinic, a client asks the nurse how she can prepare for pregnancy. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be best
A. "Begin an iron supplement of 100 mg daily. "
B. "Supplement your diet with 400 meg of folio acid. "
C. "Avoid raw eggs and cats until conception. "
D. "Receive immunization against toxoplasmosis. "
[单项选择]A nurse in the nursery is preparing to perform phenylketonuria (PKU) testing. Which neonate is ready for the nurse to test
A. A 3-day-old neonate who has been fed IV since birth.
B. A 2-day-old neonate who has been breast-fed.
C. A 1-day-old neonate receiving formula.
D. A breast-fed neonate being discharged within 24 hours of birt
[单项选择]A client asks the nurse to help her make out her will. In this situation, what should be the nurse’s best response
A. "I don’t believe in getting involved in legal matters, but maybe I can find another nurse who’ll help you. "
B. "You need to consult an attorney because I’m not trained in such matters. Is there a family lawyer I can call for you"
C. "I’m not a lawyer, but I’ll do what I can for you. "
D. "You have a long way to go before you’ll need to do that. Let’s wait on it a while, shall we"
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing to administer a unit of blood to a client who is anemic. After its removal from the refrigerator, the blood should be administered within
A. 1 hour.
B. 2 hours.
C. 4 hours.
D. 6 hours.
[单项选择]The nurse is preparing a gastric lavage for a comatose victim of the car accident. Which of the following positions would be most appropriate for the client during this procedure
A. Trendelenburg’s.
B. Lithotomy.
C. Lateral.
D. Supin
[单项选择]A 19-year-old pregnant client tells the nurse she’s concerned that she may not be able to take care of herself during her pregnancy. She states that prenatal care is expensive and her job doesn’t provide insurance. The nurse should recognize which of the following
A. The client may not take care of herself.
B. The client may not be fit to take care of a child.
C. The client needs to take up a second job.
D. The client should be referred to community resources available for pregnant women.
[单项选择]A 69-year-old client asks the nurse what the difference is between osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Which response is correct
A. OA is a noninflammatory joint disease. RA is characterized by inflamed, swollen joints.
B. OA and RA are very similar. OA affects the smaller joints, and RA affects the larger, weight-bearing joints.
C. OA affects joints on both sides of the body. RA is usually unilateral.
D. OA is more common in women. RA is more common in men.
[单项选择]While admitting a client with pneumonia, the nurse notes multiple bruises in various stages of healing. The client has Alzheimer’s disease and a history of multiple fractures. Legally, the most important action for the nurse to take is to
A. document findings thoroughly.
B. question the client about the bruising.
C. inform appropriate local authorities.
D. tell the client’s physician.


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