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发布时间:2023-12-15 05:26:25

[单项选择]Which nursing diagnosis would the nurse anticipate as having the highest priority for the client with gestational diabetes in labor
A. Risk for infection related to invasive procedures during labor.
B. Risk for injury to fetus related to the effects of diabetes on uteroplacental functioning.
C. Deficient knowledge related to lack of information about care during labor.
D. Interrupted family processes related to diabetes increasing the client’s risk of complications.

更多"Which nursing diagnosis would the n"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which nursing intervention would most likely lead to a hyposmolar state()
A. Performing nasogastric (NG) tube irrigation with normal saline solution.
B. Weighing the client daily.
C. Administering tap water enema until the return is clear.
D. Encouraging the client with excessive perspiration to drink broth.
[单项选择]Which nursing diagnosis would be the most appropriate for a client with coronary artery disease (CAD)
A. Ineffective thermoregulation.
B. Impaired gas exchange.
C. Risk for injury.
D. Decreased cardiac output.
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing interventions would be included in the care of a client with anorexia nervosa as therapy progresses
A. Let the client eat alone to avoid embarrassment.
B. Weigh the client once a week in the same clothing.
C. Monitor the client for self-destructive tendencies.
D. Praise the client for "looking better" and remind the client that she isn’t "too fat. "
[单项选择]Which nursing measure would be most effective in helping the client cough and deep breathe after a cholecystectomy
A. Having the client take rapid, shallow breaths to decrease pain.
B. Having the client lay on the left side while coughing and deep breathing.
C. Teaching the client to use a folded blanket or pillow to splint the incision.
D. Withholding pain medication so the client can be alert enough to follow the nurse’s instructions.
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing measures would the nurse institute to help reduce eyelid edema in a child with nephrotic syndrome
A. Instill eye drops every 8 hours.
B. Limit the child’s television watching.
C. Apply cool compresses to the child’s eyes.
D. Elevate the head of the child’s be
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be most appropriate when teaching the mother of a toddler
A. Activity intolerance.
B. Risk for injury.
C. Delayed growth and development.
D. Impaired mobility.
[单项选择]Which of the following nursing measures would be most important to decrease the risk of a surgical wound infection in a client with an internal fixation and hip pinning
A. Inserting an indwelling urinary catheter to prevent possible soiling of the dressing.
B. Accurately measuring drainage from the surgical drainage tube.
C. Changing the surgical dressings using strict sterile technique.
D. Monitoring the incision for signs of redness, swelling, and warmt
[单项选择]Which assessment would the nurse perform to validate that the membranes are ruptured
A. Observe for a pink, mucus vaginal discharge.
B. Test the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper.
C. Assess the client’s temperature, pulse, and blood pressure.
D. Send a urine specimen from the client to be culture
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse interpret as indicating that a child is receiving too much intravenous fluid too rapidly
A. Marked increase in abdominal girth.
B. Evidence of protein in the urine.
C. Dark amber colored urine.
D. Moist crackles in the lung fields.
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse teach the mother of a child with leukemia who has an absolute neutrophil count of 900/mm3
A. The child should wear gloves when in contact with others.
B. The child should stay away from crowds of people.
C. The child should eat raw fruits and vegetables.
D. Anyone in direct contact with the child must wear a gown and mask.
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse expect to include in the plan of care for a client with diabetes who is in labor
A. Measuring urine output every 4 hours.
B. Monitoring blood glucose levels every hour.
C. Administering insulin subcutaneously every 4 hours.
D. Checking deep tendon reflexes every 2 hours.
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse expect to assess as presumptive signs of pregnancy
A. Amenorrhea and quickening.
B. A positive pregnancy test and a fetal outline.
C. Braxton Hicks contractions and Hegar’s sign.
D. Uterine enlargement and Chadwick’s sign.
[单项选择]Which of the following would the nurse expect to find in a client diagnosed with hyperparathyroidism
A. Hypocalcemia.
B. Hypercalcemia.
C. Hyperphosphatemia.
D. Hypophosphaturi
[单项选择]Which of the following measures would the nurse take into consider to help minimize joint pain in a child with rheumatic fever
A. Massaging the affected joints.
B. Applying ice to the affected joints.
C. Limiting movement of the affected joints.
D. Encouraging progressive weight bearin
[单项选择]Which of the following functions would the nurse expect to be unrelated to the placenta
A. Production of estrogen and progesterone.
B. Detoxification of some drugs and chemicals.
C. Exchange site for food, gases, and waste.
D. Production of maternal antibodies.
[单项选择]Which of the following concepts would the nurse incorporate into the plan of care for a 4-year-old child to psychologically prepare the child for cardiac catheterization
A. Anxiety decreases when a preschooler is protected from learning about unpleasant events.
B. Preschoolers are unable to understand the procedure.
C. Little psychological preparation can be given to preschoolers.
D. Preparation is a joint responsibility of the physician, parents, and nurs
[单项选择]Which of the following methods would the nurse use to feed an infant after surgical repair of cleft lip
A. Gastric gavage.
B. Intravenous fluids.
C. Rubber-tipped medicine dropper.
D. Bottle with a lamb’s nippl


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