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发布时间:2024-02-01 19:30:33

[单项选择]The nurse teaches a client about the relationship between body position and gastroesophageal reflux. Which of the following statements by the client would indicate that he understands measures to avoid problems with reflux while sleeping
A. "I can elevate the head of the bed 4 to 6 inches. "
B. "I can elevate the foot of the bed 4 to 6 inches. "
C. "I can sleep on my back without a pillow under my head. "
D. "I can sleep on my stomach with my head turned to the left. "

更多"The nurse teaches a client about th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The nurse teaches the client with peptic ulcer disease about how to effectively adjust his response to work-related stress. Which of the following statements by the client indicates that the education is effective
A. "My job is too stressful. I will have to find a different career. "
B. "I don’t have any control over my stressors at work. My coworkers are difficult to work with. "
C. "Well, I guess this ulcer means I won’t be able to work toward a promotion. "
D. "I will have to improve my ability to cope with stress. "
[单项选择]A client with heart failure asks the nurse about the reason for taking enalapril maleate. The nurse would explain that the medication is prescribed for which of the following reason
A. Lower the blood pressure by increasing peripheral vasoconstriction.
B. Lower the heart rate by slowing the conduetion system.
C. Block the conversion of angiotensin Ⅰ to angiotensin Ⅱ.
D. Increase myocardial contractility, thereby improving cardiac output.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a client about using vaginal medications. The nurse should instruct the client to
A. use a tampon after insertion to increase medication absorption.
B. release and pull up on the applicator before removal.
C. never refrigerate suppositories.
D. use only a water-soluble lubricant when inserting a suppository.
[单项选择]The nurse is teaching a psychiatric client about her prescribed drugs, chlorpromazine and benztropine. Why is benztropine administered
A. To reduce psychotic symptoms.
B. To reduce extrapyramidal symptoms.
C. To control nausea and vomiting.
D. To relieve anxiety.
[单项选择]A mother asks the nurse about how to manage her child’s morning hyperglycemi
A. a. Which of the following would be most appropriate response by the nurse Question the mother if her child has been avoiding sweets.B. Tell the mother that this is normal and to continue with the ordered doses.C. Ask the mother what her child’s blood glucose levels have been for the last few days.D. Inform the mother that this is unusual and the child needs to be seen in the emergency room now.
[简答题]The first impression that a client receives about a business is very often through a telephone contact. A caller who is left hanging on "hold" will get the feeling that he or she has been forgotten or ignored. If a call is answered rudely, the caller may become angry.
[单项选择]A 2-week postpartum client inquires about alcohol use during lactation. She tells the nurse she has heard that a small glass of wine or beer before nursing will increase her milk supply and be good for the baby. What’s the nurse’s best response
A. "It’s true that a little alcohol before breast-feeding will help your milk supply because it will help you relax. "
B. "Research has shown that it actually decreases the amount of milk the baby will get, perhaps because it affects the taste of your milk. "
C. "A little alcohol will help you to relax and the small amount that will pass through the milk may just help the baby relax. "
D. "You shouldn’t even consider drinking alcohol while you are nursing a baby. "
[单项选择]The nurse teaches the mother of an infant diagnosed with congenital hypothyroidism about daily oral levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid) therapy. Which of the following signs and symptoms would indicate an overdose
A. Anorexia.
B. Constipation.
C. Sweating.
D. Sleepiness.
[单项选择]The nurse teaches a mother how to provide adequate nutrition for her toddler, who has cerebral palsy. Which of the following observations indicates that teaching has been effective
A. The toddler stays neat while eating.
B. The toddler finishes the meal within a specified period of time.
C. The child lies down to rest after eating.
D. The child eats finger foods by himsel
[单项选择]The nurse teaches the parents of a child being treated with antibiotics for an ear infection for a follow-up visit after the child completes the course of therapy. Which of the following statements by the parents indicates that they understand the reason for the follow-up visit
A. "Her hearing needs to be checked to see if the infection has done any damage. "
B. "The doctor wants to make certain she has taken all the antibiotics. "
C. "We need to make sure that her ear infection has completely cleared. "
D. "She needs to get another prescription for second course of antibiotics. "
[单项选择]The overweight adolescent client tells the nurse that he would like to lose weight and asks the nurse’s opinion on how to accomplish his goal. Which of the following suggestions would be most appropriate
A. Exercising more often.
B. Severely limiting calorie intake.
C. Participating in an adolescent weight-reduction program.
D. Cutting clown on sweets and other snacks.
[单项选择]The nurse is about to administer a medication to a client with whom the nurse is unfamiliar. To verify the client’s identity, the nurse should
A. ask the client his name.
B. check the name posted outside the client’s room.
C. ask a family member the identity of the client.
D. check the client’s identification bracelet.
[单项选择]During a conversation with the client, the nurse observes the client shaking his leg and tapping his fingers on the table next to him. The nurse’s best statement is.
A. "I’ll get you something to help you feel less anxious. "
B. "I know that you feel anxious. Let’s discuss something more pleasant. "
C. "I see that you’re anxious. I’ll be back later when you’re calmer. "
D. "I noticed that your leg is shaking and you’re tapping your fingers on the table. How are you feeling now"
[单项选择]At an outpatient clinic, a client asks the nurse how she can prepare for pregnancy. Which of the following responses by the nurse would be best
A. "Begin an iron supplement of 100 mg daily. "
B. "Supplement your diet with 400 meg of folio acid. "
C. "Avoid raw eggs and cats until conception. "
D. "Receive immunization against toxoplasmosis. "
[单项选择]A client asks the nurse to help her make out her will. In this situation, what should be the nurse’s best response
A. "I don’t believe in getting involved in legal matters, but maybe I can find another nurse who’ll help you. "
B. "You need to consult an attorney because I’m not trained in such matters. Is there a family lawyer I can call for you"
C. "I’m not a lawyer, but I’ll do what I can for you. "
D. "You have a long way to go before you’ll need to do that. Let’s wait on it a while, shall we"
[单项选择]The nurse instructs the client with hemorrhoids about how to decrease the discomfort. Which of the following interventions would be most likely recommended by the nurse
A. Decrease fiber in the diet.
B. Decrease physical activity.
C. Take laxatives to promote bowel movements.
D. Use warm sitz baths.
[单项选择]The nurse instructs the client with diabetes mellitus that it is vital to recognize and treat hypoglycemia promptly based on which of the following knowledge
A. Hypoglycemia can cause brain damage.
B. Hypoglycemia necessitates increased insulin dosage.
C. The client may become dehydrated quickly.
D. The client may become confused, increasing the risk of injury.
[单项选择]A psychotic client reports to the evening nurse that the day nurse put something suspicious in his water with his medication. The nurse replies, "You’re worried about your medication" The nurse’s communication is
A. an example of presenting reality.
B. reinforcing the client’s delusions.
C. focusing on emotional content.
D. a nontherapeutic technique called mind readin


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