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发布时间:2024-03-29 06:00:28

[单项选择]The group does not {{U}}advocate{{/U}} the use of violence.
A. limit
B. support
C. regulate
D. oppose

更多"The group does not {{U}}advocate{{/"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The group does not {{U}}advocate{{/U}} the use of violence.
A. support
B. limit
C. regulate
D. oppose
[填空题]Which group does John Hofsess belong to
[单项选择] Which of the following methods does NOT advocate speaking
A. The traditional method.
B. The audio-lingual method.
C. The immersion method.
D. The direct method.
[简答题]How often does he use the public swimming pool
[填空题]What kind of goods does the U.S. company want to import according to the letter
How many cameras does the man use a lot
[填空题]Why does the writer use "reveled in" in paragraph 3 to describe the viewers watching a TV commercial

[单项选择]What does the woman think of group traveling
A. It’s safer.
B. It’s cheaper.
C. It’s more flexible.
D. It’s more exciting.
[单项选择]What does David Grattle say about the use of languages for daily communication in the future ?()
A. People may use two or more languages.
B. People will choose Chinese rather than English.
C. The percentage of native speakers of English will increase.
D. The number of people relying on their mother tongue will drop.

What does the man do in the Theater Group
A. He acts in a play.
B. He paints scenery for the play.
C. He collects tickets at the door.
D. He gets the properties for the play.
[单项选择]What {{U}}does{{/U}} Mr. Johnson like He’s a {{U}}friendly{{/U}} sort {{U}}of man{{/U}}. I {{U}}like{{/U}} to work with him.
A. does
B. friendly
C. of man
D. like
[简答题] What Does the Location of Colleges Mean I. Urban College Campuses As Different as the Cities in which They’’re Located Cities are centers of culture, art, design, communication, and manufacturing. There’’s much to do with every aspect from museums to street musicians. Because of this, you can enjoy yourself and boost your education at the same time. Different Types of College Campuses Some colleges are self-contained islands within a city, such as Rice University whose 285-acre campus is bounded by a hedge and a double row of oak trees. Others spread over city blocks, such as Boston University. Don’’t assume all city colleges are huge — there are many small city schools, too. Life Experience You’’ll find opportunities for internships (实习) that can help you test career paths, build experience, and get your foot in the door. Money Cities put a bigger dent (凹痕) in your wallet than suburban or rural areas. Everything is more e


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