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发布时间:2023-12-02 03:33:42


Passage Four

Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount; about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucking into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organism existence.
The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies i
A. expands on freezing
B. is a great solvent
C. is like ammonia
D. has a very high heat capacity

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Passage Four

Ocean water plays an indispensable role in supporting life. The great ocean basins hold about 300 million cubic miles of water. From this vast amount; about 80,000 cubic miles of water are sucking into the atmosphere each year by evaporation and returned by precipitation and drainage to the ocean. More than 24,000 cubic miles of rain descend annually upon the continents. This vast amount is required to replenish the lakes and streams, springs and water tables on which all flora and fauna are dependent. Thus, the hydrosphere permits organism existence.
The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason, ice floats on water bodies i
A. ocean and land masses are equal
B. ocean masses are smaller than land masses
C. it is difficuit to get fresh water from the ocean
D. none of the above is correct
[单项选择]Passage Four
                          Software Systems Specialist
Work Schedule: Full Time
Salary: $ 62,500- $ 92,000*
Location: Washington, DC metropolitan area
* Employees within the organization have opportunities for additional salary advancement to
the Expert level.

Software Systems Specialists are responsible for the planning, implementation and optimization of a wide variety of leading-edge systems software on Unix and Linux-based enterprise class servers used to meet critical intelligence needs. Team members are actively involved in the deploym
A. $62,500
B. $92,000
C. less than $62,500
D. more than $92,000


Passage Four

Today the study of language in our schools is somewhat confusing. It is the most traditional of scholastic subjects being taught in a time when many of our traditions no longer fit our needs. You to whom these pages are addressed speak English and are therefore in a worse case than any other literate people.
People pondering the origin of language for the first time usually arrive at the conclusion that it developed gradually as a system of conventionalized grunts, hisses, and cries and must have been a very simple affair in the beginning. But when we observe the language behavior of what we regard as primitive cultures, we find it strikingly elaborate and complicated. Srefansson, the explorer said that "in order to get along reasonably well an Eskimo must have at the tip of his tongue a vocabulary of mo
A. spoken in England, Denmark, Spain, and Hawaii
B. less than the size of the language spoken by Eskimos
C. highly inflected
D. inestimable
Passage Four


Read the passage below and then do the exercises that follow.
If a Mecca exists for today’s youth, it must take the form of a rock concert. Such a colossal event draws people from surprisingly distant places and from oddly diverging lifestyles. The sophisticated college student may be seated next to the wide-eyed junior high cheerleader, the latter showing fright at the approach of a wild-eyed freak. How do these incompatible character types find a mutual appeal in rock concert What induces young people to exchange the few dollars earned through babysitting or car washing for a concert ticket
To many, the answer is immediately obvious—the music is the source of appeal at a concert. The quality of the sound produced, however, frequently casts doubt on this explanation. Unquestionably, rock concertsare loud ; the decibel level of some reportedly exceeds that attained b


Passage Four

Bringing More Humor and Laughter into Our Lives
The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Humor and laughter can cause a domino effect of joy and amusement, as well as set off a number of positive physical effects. Humor and laughter strengthen our immune systems and help us recover from illness, as well as bring joy into our lives. The question is: how do we gain access to this priceless medicine
A good hearty laugh can help
reduce stress
lower blood pressure
elevate mood
boost immune system
improve brain functioning
protect the heart
connect you to others
foster instant relaxation
make you feel good<
A. reduce weight
B. connect you to others
C. lower blood pressure
D. protect the heart


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