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发布时间:2023-10-23 02:48:18

[单项选择]Interview TwoHow did Steve feel once he got into college
A. He found academic work rather boring.
B. He regretted not studying harder at school.
C. He felt confident when it came to actual cooking.

更多"Interview TwoHow did Steve feel onc"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Interview TwoHow has living in New York changed Fitzpatrick
A. He has calmed down a lot since he went to New York.
B. He is better able to defend himself.
C. He has got used to listening to people talking nonsense.
[单项选择]Interview TwoWhy did Steve start cooking when he was a child
A. His parents expected him to help in the restaurant.
B. He felt it was the best way to earn money.
C. His father wanted to teach him to cook.
[单项选择]Interview One How did Douglas feel when he booked the weekend
A. He was sure that he would enjoy training for it.
B. He was uncertain if it was a good idea for him.
C. He was surprised that such activities were organised.
[单项选择]听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10题。How does Steve feel now
A. Weak
B. Tired
C. Bored
[单项选择]Not once did the gentleman mention his view of life.()
A. 那位先生不止一次谈到他对人生的看法。
B. 那位先生完全不谈他的人生观。
C. 那位先生只有一次提到他对人生的看法。
D. 那位先生从未提及他的人生观。
[单项选择]How did Sam feel when he saw what was written on the watch()
A. He was embarrassed.
B. He felt greatly encouraged.
C. He felt sad.
D. He was deeply touched.
[填空题]How did the author feel when he saw one paper with a failing grade
[填空题]He did what he could()(calm) down the weeping woman.

How did the speaker feel when he ran his first mile?
He felt it was the()thing he had ever done.

[填空题]The Chinese film superstar once said that he would rather ______ (被人们当作普通人怀念而不是名人).


How did the first man feel when he was invited to the party
He felt ().

[填空题]From which university did he graduate
He graduated from ______.

[填空题]What did he do after he graduated
He worked as ______.

[单项选择]What did he do
A. He telephoned me.
B. He picked up the phone.
C. He put the receiver down.
D. He put my hanger up.
[填空题]Once he decided what he wanted, he would go _____ it with a single mindedness.
What difficulty did he meet when he was trying to help the cat [A] He couldn’t reach the cat. [B] He couldn’t come down。 [C] He got hurt.
[填空题]Why does he feel proud Because he has helped to make the park ______.


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