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发布时间:2024-05-23 01:29:42

[填空题]Der kaputte Computer laesst_____nicht mehr reparieren.

更多"Der kaputte Computer laesst_____nic"的相关试题:

[填空题] _______ geh rt der Computer hier
[简答题] Mit der Entwicklung der Wirtschaft und der Erh hung des Lebensstandards ist der Energiebedarf unseres Landes st ndig gestiegen.
[简答题]Mit der Entwicklung der Technik sind die Telefonkunden zu Hause und unterwegs unter der gleichen Nummer zu erreichen.
[简答题]Sobald sich die Zahl der Menschen auf der Welt ver ndert, (wird von manchen Experten eine Katastrophe vorhergesagt). → Sobald sich die Zahl der Menschen auf der Welt ver ndert, sagen _________________________.
[简答题]Die Zahl,der in der Industrie Beschaeftigten ist wegen der wirtschaftlichen Strukturveraenderung um30% auf 6,3 Millionen gesunken.
[多项选择](Seit der Anwendung der neuen Lernmethode) lernen die Schüler effizienter als früher.
[多项选择](Mit der gestohlenen Waffe) erschoss der junge Mann viele unschuldige Menschen.
[简答题]Der Regisseur, (der w hrend des Kriegs in Frankreich im Exil lebte), wurde yum Filmfest eingeladen.
[单项选择] Computer Crime A computer crime is generally defined as one that involves the use of computers and software for illegal purposes. This doesn’’t mean that all the crimes are new types of crime. On the contrary, many of these crimes, such as embezzlement of funds, the alteration of records, theft, vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism, can be committed without a computer. But with a computer, there offenses can be carried out more quickly and with less chance that the person responsible for the crime will be discovered. Computer crimes have been on the rise for the last twelve years. Just how much their computer crimes cost the American public is in dispute, but estimates range from $ 3 billion to $ 5 billion annually. Even the FBI, which attempts to keep track of the growth or decline to all kinds of crimes, is unable to say precisely how large a loss is involved; however, it estimates that the average takes from a company hit by computer crime is $ 60
A. Y
B. N
When analysing the computer market worldwide it is useful is distinguish (31) sales of desktop computers and portable laptop models. The major manufacturers perform very differently (32) different areas of the market; for example,
  • A.
  • B.I. , the worldwide brand leader in desktop computers, ranks only fourth in laptop computer sales and has captured only nineteen per cent of the European market. The Grown Corporation has succeeded in penetrating the difficult European market and now has a twenty-one per cent market share; in worldwide sales, however, Crown ranks second in laptop models (33) fourth in desktops.
    Beginner’s luck
    A recent arrival (34) the scene, Unitec, has won a twenty-eight per cent slice of the European market and already stands at number five in the world market in (35) categories. The computer division of Marcus Industries ranks just belowA.B.I. in the deskto
[简答题] computer science
[单项选择] Der Look der Stra e "Germans enjoy Fashion", sagt Christopher Bailey, Chefdesigner von Burberry, und das hei t, "die Deutschen haben Spa an der Mode", was auch durch eine Studie belegt wird. Das Deutsche Modeinstitut hat zwischen Mai 2008 und April 2009 mehr als 5000 Passanten im Alter von 20 bis 35 Jahren auf den Stra en von Berlin, K ln, Bielefeld und London fotografiert. "Der Look auf den deutschen Stra en hat sich in den letzten zehn Jahren total ver ndert, nicht nur in Berlin, er ist in allen untersuchten deutschen St dten überraschend gleich", sagt Projektleiterin Elke Giese. Sie hat die Beobachtungen in sechs Thesen zusammengefasst: a. Statt Anzug und Kostüm werden - auch bei beruflich wichtigen Terminen - /u ü ber 90 Prozent Sports- und Streetwear getragen. Diese scheinbare Nachl ssigkeit ist mit gro er Sorgfalt inszeniert. b. Wichtiger als Symbole für gesellschaftliche Stellung wie berühmte Luxusmarken sind Kreativit t und Individualit t des "Self-Designs". c
A. Christopher Bailey, in Deutschland
B. das Deutsche Modeinstitut, in Deutschland
C. das Deutsche Modeinstitut, in einigen deutschen St dten und in London
Computer Viruses

Any computer connected to the Internet faces a daunting range of electronic threats. Perhaps the biggest single threat to any computer is the humble software bug. Seemingly harmless programming errors can be exploited to force entry into a computer and also provide the weak spots that allow computer worms and viruses to spread.
Many software bugs will simply cause a computer to crash. But an expert programmer can sometimes figure out how to make a computer malfunction in a creative way, so that it provides access to secure parts of a system, or shares protected data.
When a software weakness is revealed, it is often a race against the clock to apply the correct software patch before an attacker can convert the bug into an "exploit" that can be used to cause major damage.
Viruses and Worms
A computer virus is a program that spreads between computers by hiding itself within a seemingly innocent-d
A. Computer viruses. B. Trojans.
B. Software bug.
C. Spam.
Alan Turing and Computer science

Computer plays very important role in today’s world, which is the result of many researchers’ efforts. The following is one of them.
I. The process:
1) Inventor: Turing, an eccentric young (1) .
2) Function:
A. Capable of scanning, or reading instructions encoded on a tape of theoretically (2) length.
B. responding to the sequential (3) and modifying its mechanical response if so ordered-the output of such a process,
Turing demonstrated, could replicate logical human thought.
3) The different names of the device:
A. The device in this (4) mind-experiment quickly acquired a name: the Turing machine.
B. Depending on the tape it scanned, the machine could (5) numbers or play chess or do anything else of a comparable nature.
Hence his device acquired a new and even grander name: the (6) Turing


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