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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:24:59

[填空题](Depictions) of animals and hunting scenes (can found) (in) the prehistoric cave paintings of (nearly every) continent. A. Depictions B. can found C. in D. nearly every

更多"(Depictions) of animals and hunting"的相关试题:


M: Miss Polly.
W: Yes, sir. Anything I can do for you
M: Yes, please make a call to Dell. Tell them that we’ll place an order for 20 personal computers.
W: All right. I ’11 do it at once.

What’s the relationship between the man and the woman ( )
A. Boss and secretary.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Customer and assistant.
You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state your viewpoint.
In the second part, illustrate your viewpoint with details.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks

[单项选择]Experts believe ________ people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.
A. why
B. where
C. that
D. what
[填空题]Where can man’s elementary number sense also be found according to the author
[单项选择]How much money can each child beggar earn a day for their minders
A. Dozens of dollars.
B. Hundreds of dollars.
C. A dozen or so dollars.
[填空题]It can be inferred that the work of Bala’s team focuses on ______.


M: Excuse me, can you tell me the gate for the flight to Paris
W: Do you have the flight number

Where does the conversation happen()
A. At a post office.
B. In a classroom.
C. At an airport.
D. At a bank.

W: I can’ t decide which to wear for the party, fur coat or leather jacket.
M: It isn’t easy to choose, is it

What does the man mean ()
A. He doesn’t like either one.
B. It’s a difficult decision.
C. It makes no difference which one she wears.
D. The jacket is difficult to get.
[单项选择]Texte 2    Formation technique et formation continue   L’enseignement technique, qui avait longtemps souffert d’un préjugé défavorable, est devenu l’enseignement majoritaire à la sortie des collèges. Sur 1 500 000 élèves des classes de 3e aux terminales, les deux tiers sont engagés dans des enseignements professionnels. Chaque année, près de 400 000 candidats se présentent au certificat d’aptitude professionnel et 90 000 aux baccalauréats de technicien, placés aujourd’hui au même niveau que les baccalauréats d’enseignement général. En outre, 200 000 jeunes sont formés, sous la tutelle du ministère de l’Education, par la voie de l’apprentissage.   Après le baccalauréat, les brevets de technicien supérieur et les diplmes universitaires de technologie sont préparés par plus de 75 000 étudiants. Depuis 1971, d’autre part, tout salarié peut bénéficier avec maintien du salaire, d’une formation complémentaire financée par l’entreprise. Depuis juillet 197
A. le meilleur du monde
B. le moins développé du monde
C. celui qui avait beaucoup d’importance
D. celui qui avait peu d’importance

You are to write in three parts.
In the first part, state clearly what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with details.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summery.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Junk Hunting

Anyone who thinks exploration always involves long journeys should have his head examined.Or, better, he should put on his oldest clothes and go off in search of a junk shop. There are three kinds—one full of discarded books, one full of discarded Government equipment, and one full of discarded anything.A junk shop may have four walls and a roof,or it may be no more than a trestle-table in an open air market;but there is one infallible test:no genuine junk shopkeeper will ever pester you to make up your mind and buy something. And you are no true junk shopper if you march purposefully round the shop as if you knew exactly what you wanteD.You must browse, gently chewing the cud of your idle thoughts, and nibbling here and there as a sight or a touch of the goods that lie about you. Yet you must also possess a penetrating glance, darting your eyes about you to spot the treasures that may lurk beneath the rubbish. This is what
A. to fix a price
B. that he hasn’t enough money
C. that it’s expected
D. to ask a price

[简答题]A Guide to Job Hunting
Developing your career and finding a new job can take over your life if you’re not careful. That’s why recruitment experts Kelly Services have come up with a great list of shortcuts and top tips that will help you manage your time and achieve your goals. According to latest research from Kelly, which last year found over 10 000 people permanent jobs across a wide range of business sectors, employers are looking for top talent combined with commitment and enthusiasm.
Prioritize your needs
Work out your priorities. What’s important to you, what sort of company do you want to work for and what type of job you are after How ambitious are you, would you be prepared to relocate, how far are you willing to commute and how important is job satisfaction This initial homework will help you to recognize your own key requirements and could save a huge amount of time that could be wasted chasing after the wrong type of job.
Consult the e
[单项选择]During the last hunting season, twice as many people were hit by cars while walking on public sidewalks as were hurt in hunting accidents in the woods. Therefore, during the last hunting season, people were safer in the woods than they were while walking on public sidewalks.
In evaluating the argument above, it would be most important to know
A. the likelihood that during the next hunting season fewer people will be hurt in hunting accidents in the woods than were hurt during the last hunting season.
B. the ratio during last hunting season of people who walked on public sidewalks to people who were in the woods.
C. how many of the people hurt in hunting accidents during the last hunting season had been hurt in similar accidents in the past.
D. how many of the accidents could have been avoided if the drivers of the cars or the hunters who fired the guns had been more careful.
E. (E) how many people, on average, are hurt in hunting accidents in the woods when it is not hunting season.


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