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发布时间:2023-10-25 07:36:26

[单项选择]Passage Three
Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal points—perious, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders. It has also had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure: how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents one’s findings, what constitutes admissible and adequate proof.
Anyone who has followed recent historical literature, can testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjetcs come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it is now entirely analytic. The old questions "What happened" and "How did it happen" have given way to the question "Why did it happen" Prominent among the methods used to answ
A. The approach of psychohistorians to historical study is currently popular even though it lacks the rigor and verifiability of traditional historical method.
B. Traditional historians can benefit from studying the techniques and findings of psychohistorians.
C. Areas of sociological study such as childhood and word are of little interest to traditional historians.
D. The psychological assessment of an individual’s behavior and attitudes is more informative than the details of his or her daily life.

更多"Passage Three Traditional"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Three
Traditionally, the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal points—perious, countries, dramatic events, and great leaders. It has also had clear and firm notions of scholarly procedure: how one inquires into a historical problem, how one presents and documents one’s findings, what constitutes admissible and adequate proof.
Anyone who has followed recent historical literature, can testify to the revolution that is taking place in historical studies. The currently fashionable subjetcs come directly from the sociology catalog: childhood, work, leisure. The new subjects are accompanied by new methods. Where history once was primarily narrative, it is now entirely analytic. The old questions "What happened" and "How did it happen" have given way to the question "Why did it happen" Prominent among the methods used to answ
A. views past events as complex and having their own individuality
B. relies on a single interpretation of human behavior to explain historical events
C. interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature is transcended
D. turns to psychological explanations in historical contexts to account for events
[单项选择]Passage Three
The study of ecology is important for everyone who cares about our world. Air, water, and land -- we would not live without any of these. But what do we mean by land It is the earth beneath our feet, wherever we are. It is mountains and plains. It is wide fields for growing com and wheat. Or it may be an airfield or a parking lot or a highway or a whole city -- land covered with cement, asphalt, and buildings. Land is the solid part of the Earth.
Land is the soil plants grow in. That is the most important things about the land -- it is the place where green plants grow. Without green plants there would be not life on Earth. Green leaves make oxygen. All of us -- ants, elephants, people, every living creature -- must have oxygen to stay alive. We breathe in oxygen and our bodies use it. Carbon dioxide is formed in the process
A. The Products of Nature
B. The Life Pattern on Earth
C. The Exhausted Ecological System
D. The Broken Balance of Nature

Passage Three

Uffizi Tries to Outdo Louvre
Italy is to try to turn the Uffizi gallery in Florence into Europe’s premier art museum, with an ambitious 56m euro scheme to double its exhibition space.
Giuliano Urbani, Italy’s culture minister, said the enlarged gallery would surpass "even the Louvre".
By the time work is completed, visitors to the extensively remodeled Uffizi will be able to see 800 new works, including many now confined to the gallery’s storerooms for lack of space.
The project—the outcome of nine months of intensive work by a team of architects, engineers and technicians—is a centrepiece of the cultural policy of Silvio Berlusconi’s government.
With refurbishment pl
A. It is threatened by the Louvre and the "art triangle" of Madrid.
B. It is going to be remodeled by transforming its storerooms into showrooms.
C. It involves a maintenance fee of 56m euro.
D. It is a major attraction for Italy’s cultural tourism.
Passage Three

A. He was born in New England.
B. He once worked for Harvard University.
C. He was Edward Thomas’ friend.
D. He wasn’t awarded any prize.


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