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发布时间:2024-02-24 19:04:41

[单项选择]もんだいIV   ______の ぶんと  だいたい おなじ いまの ぶんが           あります。1  2  3  4から いちばん いい ものを  えらびなさい。 (れい) にちようびは ひまでした。     1にちようびは  いそがしくなかったです。     2にちようびは  いそがしかったです。    3にちようびは  うるさくなかったです。    4にちようびは  うるさかったです。 (かいとうようし)  (れい)●②○3○4 この ほんは つまらないです。
A. この ほんは かるく ありません。
B. この ほんは うすく ありません。
C. この ほんは おもすろく ありません。
D. この ほんは むずかしく ありません。

更多"もんだいIV   ______の ぶんと  だいたい おなじ いまの "的相关试题:

[单项选择]iv.( )
A. 皮内注射
B. 肌肉注射
C. 静脉注射
D. 静脉滴注
E. 经肛门的
[简答题]IV.(CriminalLaw) Theacrimoniousdebateovercapitalpunishmenthascontinuedforcenturies.Inrecentdecades,thedebatehasheatedupintheU.S.followingtheSupremeCourt-imposedmoratoriumoncapitalpunishment.Currently,severalstatesareconsideringachangeintheirpoliciesregardingthestatusofthedeathpenalty.Nebraska‘slegislature,forexample,recentlypassedatwo-yearmoratoriumonexecutions,whichwas,however,vetoedbythestate‘sgovernor.Tenotherstateshaveatleastconsideredamoratoriumlastyear.ThegroupincludesOklahomawhoselegislaturewillsoonconsiderabillimposingatwo-yearmoratoriumonexecutionsandestablishingataskforcetoresearchtheeffectivenessofcapitalpunishment.ThelegislatureinNebraskaandIllinoishasalsocalledforsimilarresearch.InMassachusetts,however,theHouseofRepresentativesvoteddownabillsupportedbythegovernortoreinstatethedeathpenalty. Animportantissueinthisdebateiswhethercapitalpunishmentdetersmurders.Psychologistsandcriminologistswhoexaminedtheissueinitiallyreportednodeterrenteffect.Economistsjoinedthedeb
A. A.the executive branch is in opposite opinion with the legislature at the state level regarding death penalty.
B.several states are considering reinstate the death penalty.
C.Oklahoma decided to suspend death penalty for two years.
D.some states‘ legislature has also called for research on cancellation of capital sentence.

A. 三日极量
B. 二日常用量
C. 二日极量
D. 三日常用量
E. 七日常用量
A. 氯化铵负荷试验阳性 
B. 代谢性酸中毒伴有严重高血钾 
C. 两者均有 
D. 两者均无
A—Waiting and Boarding J—Customs Declaration Form
B—Luggage Delivery K—Quantity Allowed to Take
C—Inspection and Quarantine L—Regulations on Restriction of Liquids
D—Getting a Boarding Pass M—Temporary Boarding ID Card
E—Security Check N—Guide to Outgoing Passengers
F—Domestic Departure O—Goods Prohibited to Exit the Country
G Over-sized Luggage Checked-in P—Restriction of Hand Carry-on Articles
H— Goods prohibited to be Hand-carried Q—Detection Passage
I—Duty-free Articles

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[单项选择]The physician orders IV fluid volume replacement with lactated Ringer’s solution at a rate of 75 mL/hour. Using an infusion set that provides 15 gtt/mL, the nurse should calculate the flow rate to be
A. 10 gtt/min.
B. 12 gtt/min.
C. 19 gtt/min.
D. 75 gtt/min.
A. 右心
B. 肺动脉
C. 动脉导管未闭
D. 深静脉血栓
E. 肾动脉狭窄
A. 上、下腔静脉
B. 四肢静脉
C. 肺动脉
D. 脑动脉
E. 肺静脉
A. 1ml/s
B. 2ml/s
C. 3ml/s
D. 4ml/s
E. 5ml/s
[单项选择]A client is receiving an IV infusion of dextrose 5% in water and lactated Ringer’s solution at 125 mL/hr to treat a fluid volume deficit. Which of these signs indicates a need for additional IV fluids()
A. Serum sodium level of 125 mEq/L.
B. Temperature of 99.6 °F(37.6℃).
C. Neck vein distention.
D. Dark amber urine.
[单项选择]A client is prescribed Gentamycin (Garamycin) IV to treat infection. It is important to monitor the client for the development of which of the following side effects from the medication
A. Ascites.
B. Confusion.
C. Ototoxicity.
D. Cardiac dysrhythmias.
[单项选择]The nurse is caring for a client undergoing IV antibiotic therapy with gentamicin sulfate. Which of the following interventions is most important
A. Infuse the medication quickly to minimize its irritating effect on the walls of blood vessels.
B. Obtain renal function tests, such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine levels, throughout the course of therapy.
C. Assess for pulmonary and peripheral edema.
D. Obtain an order for an antiemetic to counteract the common adverse effect of nause


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