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发布时间:2024-05-20 07:09:42

[简答题]Section C (10 points) In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. You should complete the summary below using no more than three words for each blank from the passage. Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet. Questions 71–75 are based on the following passage. One student skipped a class and then sent the professor an email message asking for copies of the teaching notes. Another didn’t like her grade and sent a petulant message to the professor. Another explained that she was late for a Monday class because she was recovering from a party. One professor received a message from a student, saying, ‘I’m not sure how to shop for school supplies. Should I buy a binder or a subject notebook Please tell me what you recommend.’ At colleges and universities, email has made professors more approachable, but many say it has made them too accessible. They say that students seem to view them as available round the clock, and send a steady stream of email messages — f

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[简答题]Section C (10 points) In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. You should complete the summary below using no more than three words for each blank from the passage. Remember to write the answer on the answer sheet. Questions 71–75 are based on the following passage. One student skipped a class and then sent the professor an email message asking for copies of the teaching notes. Another didn’t like her grade and sent a petulant message to the professor. Another explained that she was late for a Monday class because she was recovering from a party. One professor received a message from a student, saying, ‘I’m not sure how to shop for school supplies. Should I buy a binder or a subject notebook Please tell me what you recommend.’ At colleges and universities, email has made professors more approachable, but many say it has made them too accessible. They say that students seem to view them as available round the clock, and send a steady stream of email messages — f
[简答题]Section D (10 points) In this section, there is one passage followed by five questions. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Questions 76–80 are based on the following passage. Pierre Omidyar, the son of French-Iranian immigrants, was already a millionaire before he launched eBay. Omidyar’s electronics site, e-shop, was bought out by Microsoft in 1996, making him a millionaire before he’d turned thirty. With this money, he set up an online auction company which allowed people to show items they wished to sell; other users then made bids. Omidyar wanted to name the site Echo Bay Technology Group, but this name was already owned by a Canadian mining company, so he shortened the name to eBay, and a legend was born. Almost immediately eBay made a profit. The site sold goods ranging from computers to posters to underwear. The growth of eBay was phenomenal. (79) It is now the world’s most successful online business and its users consider themselves part of a distinct commun
[单项选择]Section A (10 points) In this section, there is one passage followed by five questions. For two questions, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. For the other three questions, you should complete each sentence in a maximum of 10 words using information from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Questions 61–65 are based on the following passage. The decision about where to live while studying at the tertiary level can have a major influence on a student’s chances of success. It is important that particular needs, such as security, a quiet place to study, and a convenient location, are taken into consideration before a choice is made. Various options available to students are discussed below: 1. Private Rental Accommodation. A single student can either move into an existing household or establish one with friends or acq
A. homestays cost more
B. food is not provided in lodgings
C. students usually have to share their food in lodgings
D. students can do their own cooking in homestays
[简答题]Section C (10 points) In this section, there is one passage followed by a summary. You should complete the summary below using no more than three words for each blank from the passage. Remember to write the answers on the answer sheet. Questions 71–75 are based on the following passage. The Dog with the Golden Nose Jiggs, the chimpanzee that starred in over fifteen Tarzan films in the 1930s, was paid thousands of pounds. The owner of Bart, an Alaskan brown bear, was paid a million dollars for letting Bart appear in the film The Edge. A racehorse called Rock of Gibraltar is worth an estimated £100 million. Now there is Keela, a dog doing a great job and getting well remunerated for it. Keela, a 16-month-old springer spaniel, has become such an asset to the South Yorkshire Police that she now earns more than the chief constable. Her sense of smell, so keen that she can find traces of blood on weapons that have been scrubbed clean‘, has her so much in demand by forces up and


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