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发布时间:2024-04-02 03:33:54

[简答题]___________________ (你要是更小心些就好了)! The accident could have been avoided.

更多"___________________ (你要是更小心些就好了)! T"的相关试题:

[多项选择]甲是一著名导演,女青年乙十分崇拜他,甲有一天对乙说:你要是和我发现关系的话,我可以给你戏份,让你成名。乙同意了,但发生关系后,甲并没有给乙戏份,乙后来便不同意继续发生关系,但甲仍继续对乙进行骚扰,并曾有一次在甲的办公室强行发生行关系,发生性关系后多次殴打乙,致使乙重伤,对甲的行为如何评价( )
A. 诈骗罪
B. 强奸罪
C. 侮辱妇女罪
D. 伤害罪
[单项选择]张某(男)和金某(女)是一对恋人。一日,张某向金某提出分手,金某威胁张某说:“你要是敢和我分手,我就自杀!”然而张某并未当真,仍然坚持分手。金某一时气恼,顺手拿起桌上的一把水果刀就刺向自己的手腕,顿时血流如注。张某见状极度恐惧,便跑了出去。最终,金某因失血过多而死亡。对于本案中张某的行为应如何认定( )
A. 构成故意杀人罪
B. 构成故意伤害致人死亡罪
C. 构成遗弃罪
D. 不构成任何犯罪
[单项选择]What is the accident
A. A boy fell into the river.
B. A boy’s bike is broken.
C. A boy was hit by a car.
[单项选择]How did this accident happen
A. The train was controled by outlaws.
B. The bus went past a stop sign.
C. The train went past a stop sign.
D. The bus hit the oncoming train itself.
[填空题]Overpopulation is also a problem for developed countries______(因为这些国家的自然资源同样有限).

[单项选择]What has caused the accident
A. It was too dark there.
B. The driver was too careless.
C. It is not mentioned.
[填空题]was a special Administrative Region within one country with a high degree of autonomy
[单项选择]What happened during the accident
A. A train hit another train.
B. A train killed 23 people.
C. A train went off its tracks.
D. A train was trapped inside the station.
[单项选择]According to the passage, only literate people could vote.
A. True
B. False
[填空题]According to Thurgood Marshall, the then chief counsel for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the mutiny trial was one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in American history: it was not 50 men on trial for mutiny, but ______.


The Commercial Revolution was not confined, of course, to the growth of trade and banking. Included in it also were fundamental changes in methods of production. The system of manufacture developed by the craft guilds in the later Middle Ages was rapidly becoming defunct. The guilds themselves, dominated by the master craftsmen, had grown selfish and exclusive. Membership in them was commonly restricted to a few privileged families. Besides, they were so completely choked by tradition that they were unable to make adjustments to changing conditions. Moreover, new industries had sprung up entirely outside the guild system. Characteristic examples were mining and smelting and the woolen industry. The rapid development of these enterprises was stimulated by technical advances, such as the invention of the spinning wheel and the discovery of a new method of making brass, which saved about half of the fuel previously used. In the mining and smelting industries a form of organization w
A. popular
B. obsolete
C. potential
D. flourishing


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